jeudi 4 janvier 2018

8 Dinner Traditions You Should Start With Your Family This Year

Unless you're a top chef with a stocked, high-grade kitchen and all the time in the world, carving out time to make delicious meals for your family that won't take forever to cook (just to be denied by your picky eaters) can be tough. Whether you're a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a mom of "carbs only" kids, or just a mom who needs some great ideas for quick weeknight dinners, we've got you covered.

Rather than hit you with a number of specific recipes that we both know will be filed in your brain under "I'll make that when I have time," we've come up with eight dinner traditions that your family needs to start in 2018 (enough for every night of the week!). Not only are these simple enough to replicate in a meal-planning pinch, but if you actually consider them traditions, they'll also be ones your kids will get excited about week after week and want to keep around forever.

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