mardi 9 janvier 2018
9 Unexpected Uses For Duct Tape
There's not much duct tape can't do. In fact, the adhesive was first invented during World War II for soldiers to use for repairs and creating bandages. Duct tape was then used to hold ventilation ducts together postwar - hence it's name. The strength and versatility of the tape still make it a practical household item today, and its affordability ($4) makes it especially worth having around. If you haven't included it already, add a roll to your emergency kit and earthquake kit to be prepared for anything. Check out nine purposes for duct tape you may not have thought of below.
- Make a wallet: Aside from practical functions, duct tape can also be used for DIY crafts!
- Patch holes/leaks: If you've got a burst pipe, wrap a couple of pieces around the area for a quick and effective fix.
- Rebind books: Give your worn-out reads a new life by rebinding the spine.
- Open tightly sealed jars: Can't loosen the grip on jam? Watch this trick to get it open using only two layers of tape.
- Remove lint and pet hair: Stick your hand into a loop of duct tape and pick up lint off your clothes and furniture.
- Repair tears: Most tears can easily be patched with a piece of duct tape. Whether it's a tent or a couch rip, duct tape will patch it right up and prevent the tear from growing.
- Wrap sprained ankles or wrists: Temporarily wrap the injury with duct tape to keep swelling down until athletic tape is available.
- DIY a windbreaker: If you need to whip up a rain poncho or windbreaker, tape several garbage bags together for quick coverage.
- Seal windows: Keep heating costs down by sealing off window cracks and the bottom of doors.
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