mercredi 24 janvier 2018

After Trump's Infamous "Sh*thole" Comment, Haitians Strike Back in This Cathartic Clip

In early January, reports emerged that Donald Trump had used the phrase "sh*thole countries" in a comment about immigration during a meeting at the White House. The president was reportedly referring to Haiti and nations in Africa. The offensive comment was quickly met with outrage and one hell of an impassioned speech by Senator Cory Booker.

Following the news, Conan O'Brien decided to head to Haiti for a special episode of his eponymous show. In a newly released preview clip, O'Brien asked the people of Haiti to unload their best quips and insults about Trump. They did not disappoint with hilarious comments the president's frequent golfing, dictatorial tendencies, and questionable university. Enjoy the cathartic clip above.


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