mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Donald Trump Says He'd "Beat" Oprah If She Ran For President in 2020

On Jan. 7, Seth Meyers joked that Oprah should run for President of the United States at the Golden Globes - but then she got up on stage to accept her Cecil B. DeMille award and blew everyone away with her speech, and the rumors instantly started swirling alongside the hashtag #Oprah2020. It didn't help matters any that her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, told the Los Angeles Times "she would absolutely do it" and that her BFF Gayle King said "she is intrigued by the idea." Now, the current sitting president, Donald Trump, is putting in his two cents and very confidently shutting down the idea.

"Yeah, I'll beat Oprah," he told reporters at the end of a bipartisan meeting with senators. "Oprah would be a lot of fun. I know her very well; you know I did one of her last shows . . . I like Oprah. I don't think she's going to run . . . I know her very well." This comes from the man who, in 1999 and 2015, said he wanted to see Oprah in the White House as his vice president. "Oprah would always be my first choice," he first said on CNN's Larry King Live. We don't know if Oprah will run or not, but we aren't so sure we agree with what Trump had to say about it.

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