mardi 23 janvier 2018
This Video of a Doctor Turning a Breech Baby Inside the Womb Is Wild

When Vanessa Fisher's baby was breech (feet facing down) at 38 weeks, she tried "a number of other methods to turn the baby naturally" before his birth, but to no avail. Wanting to avoid a C-section if it were possible, Vanessa opted into trying out an external cephalic version (ECV) to manually turn the baby in her womb - and the video is truly wild.
Although Vanessa warned on her combined Facebook page with her husband, Nick, that the video is "graphic," watching Dr. Cummings slowly turn the baby boy around in the mom's belly is actually pretty mesmerizing (and seriously cool). Vanessa noted in her caption that she wanted the video of her procedure to be shared so other women would know their options if they, too, had a breech baby.
Despite Vanessa's successful ECV, there are some complications that could result from the procedure, including "premature rupture of membranes, changes in the fetus's heart rate, placental abruption, and preterm labor." If your baby is breech between 36 and 38 weeks, consult your doctor to see if an ECV procedure is the right choice for both you and baby.
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