mardi 2 janvier 2018
Why Travel Is Extremely Important in This Political Climate
For a while, it seemed almost hopeless when I scrolled through Facebook only to find that another tragedy had happened. It's almost like we've become numb to these incidents. Each time something happens, it becomes more and more difficult for people to feel that anywhere in the world is safe. It's frustrating and disheartening to think of joyous things to do, but now with the worry that at any moment your life could be taken from you by some terrible person.
So many things have happened in the world lately that give the impression to foreigners that it's not safe to be where these events have occurred. But this isn't true. Yes, things happen and it does seem that it's concentrated in certain places right now, but that's not what daily life is really like there. The world seems very messed up, due in large part to the fact that we have the internet to show us what's happening 24/7. But we shouldn't let this taint our world view.
Despite - or maybe because of - this rapidly changing world and the political climate, now may the time to buy that plane ticket anyway.
Travel educates you in a way that "book learning" never can.
While it seems as if there is no obvious solution to the problem of violence in the world, one of the only things you can do to contribute to the passing on of information between cultures and countries is to rid yourself of the ignorance that can sometimes be embedded into us by news and other sources. Some grew up thinking Africa was a homogenous country, not a continent with over 50 countries, each thriving in their own way. Others were told the Middle East was not even a place to add to our bucket lists. What they forgot to tell us is that the history there is rich and beautiful, and the people are kind and welcoming.
The more someone travels, the more their eyes are opened to all in the world rather than just the Westernized version many grow up being exposed to. One important type of activism you can be a part of is to dare to put yourself in a position that makes you think or changes your perception. Travel is something that can do that time and time again. It educates you in a way that "book learning" never can.
Social media has given us a stronger, more amplified view into the xenophobic minds of politicians who seem to have a goal of making their citizens fearful of anything different. But different is good. Diversity is beautiful. This is the same reason people escape their hometowns to seek enlightenment in a new city. Those who want to know the wonderful things the world really has to offer should seek it by getting stamps in their passport.
And even if half of the awful stuff being said to us is true and we are doomed, then doesn't it make sense to experience as much of our planet as soon as you can? "Now or never" seems to be the motto of this current political climate when it comes to worrying about borders being shut at any moment or bans being put in place for no logical reason. With leaders who wish to keep us in and everyone else out, maybe that trip you were afraid to take for so long should start looking more attractive to you, like the bad boy in a leather jacket your parents told you to stay away from, but under the facade, there lies heart of gold just waiting to be explored.
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