mardi 13 mars 2018
Burn Calories, Build Muscle, and Lose Weight With This 10-Minute Workout

You can absolutely get in an amazing workout in just 10 minutes. This combo workout has the best of both worlds: cardio to burn calories and strength training to build muscle. All you need are a jump rope (if you don't have one, just fake it!) and a pair of medium-weight dumbbells.
The Workout
Directions: An AMRAP workout means you complete as many rounds as possible in a certain amount of time. For this workout, set the timer for 10 minutes and move through as many rounds as you can of these nine exercises, as quickly as possible with correct form. That means once you get to the last rep of deadlifts, start over again with jumping rope and keep going without any rest. It's just 10 minutes - you can do it!
Challenge yourself and use heavy enough dumbbells to make you work hard and feel your muscles burning, between eight and 25 pounds.
50 jump rope skips (single-unders)
10 dumbbell thrusters
50 jump rope skips (single-unders)
10 alternating lunges with biceps curl
50 jump rope skips (single-unders)
10 push-ups with rotate
50 jump rope skips (single-unders)
10 Romanian deadlifts
If you need directions for each move, see below.
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