jeudi 19 mai 2016

Tight Lower Back? Get on the Floor and Try This

Tight hips and a tight lower back are common complaints among runners and cyclists, so here's a relaxing stretch that will stretch both. It's similar to Half Happy Baby, but with this variation, both knees are bent at the same time.

Sanskrit Name: Ananda Balasana
English Translation: Happy Baby Pose
Also Called: Dead Bug
  • Begin lying flat on your back.
  • Bend both knees and hold onto the outside edges of your flexed feet with your hands. Keep your arms on the outsides of your legs.
  • Gently use your upper body strength to equally press both knees to the floor below your armpits. Try not to tense your shoulders or chest, but keep everything relaxed.
  • Stay like this for five deep breaths. To release, let go of your feet and straighten your legs to the floor.

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