vendredi 25 mai 2018
The Biggest Mistake I Made Before Hiking to Machu Picchu

Can I confess something to you? I am addicted to adventure. No matter the day, my mind thirsts for adventure the way some yearn for their first cup of coffee. So when I had the opportunity to hike the four-day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu not too long ago, as you can imagine, the thought of this trek made me high on thrill.
Little did I know this adventure would unfortunately be one of the worst experiences of my life due to some unforeseen circumstances. Let's just say I brought home an unwanted souvenir from the trip: a parasite.
Would I make the trek again? Yes! Machu Picchu is an incredible place to discover in person, not to mention it is one of the new seven wonders of the world. But would I change a few things before making the trek again? Absolutely.
If trekking along the 26-mile Inca Trail is in your future or if the thought has ever crept into your mind, make sure you take into consideration the valuable eight lessons I learned from my experience.
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