mercredi 30 mai 2018

You Know You Shouldn't Sleep in Your Makeup - but What About Naps?

By now, we all know that going to bed in a full face of makeup is an ultimate beauty no-no. Even if you're in love with your highlight or blush look, leaving it on while you snooze can result in waking up with a gnarly breakout. But what about napping?

I'm someone whose favorite way to spend 15 minutes is curled up underneath a comforter, but I rarely wash my face for the occasion. I reached out to Brittney Danberry, PA-C of Schweiger Dermatology Group in NYC, to learn just how bad of a beauty girl I am.

Let's start with the good news for all you sleepasauruses out there. Shut eye is good for your complexion! "Sleep allows your body and skin to rest and repair," Danberry said. "It is always important to get a good night's rest, but when your busy schedule doesn't allow that, taking a nap can help your skin look and feel rejuvenated." Score!

"Taking long naps with makeup on can lead to unwanted breakouts and wrinkles"

If you are taking a power nap of around 15 or 20 minutes, Danberry says you can save the makeup wipes. However, if your alarm is set for a longer interval, you should probably go barefaced. "Taking long naps with makeup on can lead to unwanted breakouts and wrinkles," she said.

How does that work? "Napping in makeup can cause an increased exposure to free radicals," the PA explained. What's more, a full face of makeup can actually suck moisture out of your skin, and clog up pores. Plus, your skin attracts pollution throughout the day (cute!), so Danberry urges you to wash all that off before hitting the sack.

If you forget to cleanse once pre-nap, you don't have to wake up and stress. However, if you're a serial napper, it's best to keep a pack of wipes nearby on your nightstand for easy access.

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