samedi 4 août 2018
15 Things Nobody Told Me About Breastfeeding That I Wish I'd Known
When my son was born, I rather naively began trying to breastfeed him without ever thinking things wouldn't go smoothly. After all, I was used to seeing beautiful images online of mothers breastfeeding their babies, looking like they were in pure bliss. My own mother breastfed three kids, and many of my mom friends breastfed and made it look easy. So my breastfeeding journey would be a piece of cake too, right? Um, no. In addition to moments of bliss and ease, I'm also realizing there's a whole host of things no one tells you about breastfeeding. For example, your nipples can blister up and bleed (I wish I was kidding). Keep reading for more harsh breastfeeding truths you need to hear prelatch.
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