lundi 6 août 2018
5 Moves to Build a Stronger Core - and Not 1 of Them Is a Crunch

Your core is truly the central part of your body. "It embodies all the muscles in your torso from your shoulders down to your hips. This complex series of muscles controls almost all of your body's movements. Therefore, a strong core equates to a strong body," said Sarah Chadwell, NASM, CPT, a certified trainer. In fact, having a strong core helps combat injury and back pain and improves your posture.
A strong core does not necessarily mean a six-pack. It means fortifying the muscles in your torso so you can do everyday activities without strain - think about it, you use your core when you swing a bat or golf club, and even when you stand up from a chair. The simple answer to strengthening those muscles is to consistently do exercises that work them. While your head might immediately go to dreaded planks and crunches, there are other moves that can have a great impact on your core, in particular the deep internal muscles. We asked Chadwell to share her go-to exercises that work the area.
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