mardi 21 août 2018
8 Moves That Build a Leaner, Stronger Back

Let's get rid of that back fat showing when you wear a tight tank top the smart way: a series of eight exercises that target the spot and also help you lose overall body fat. Targeted back exercises alone won't do the trick, but adding in some high intensity works to get the fat sizzling off while you simultaneously tone and strengthen your back in no time!
We enlisted the help of certified trainer Sarah Chadwell for insight on how you can sculpt your back and destroy the fat in one workout. "Large, dense muscles burn more calories and thus more fat, so you want to build lean muscle mass using resistance exercises," said Chadwell. "You also burn fat when you work at 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate through cardiovascular exercise, high-intensity training, or plyometrics. What's even cooler is that you can create combinations of these types of exercises to get strong and burn fat at the same time." Here are Chadwell's suggestions for burning back fat and building lean muscle mass starting with your next gym visit.
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