vendredi 3 août 2018
9 Celebrities Who Know "Bouncing Back After Baby" Is BS - and Proved It With Honest Postbaby Pics

A lot of expectations are put on women to "bounce back after baby," but thankfully, of late, so many moms are sharing their real postpartum bodies to end the stigma against sharing stretch marks, extra weight, and cellulite postbaby. Recently, more and more celebrity moms have opened up about their bodies after birth to show that even though they're in the spotlight, their bodies aren't any different than a "regular" woman's and that they too struggle with feeling differently about their bodies after becoming a mom.
The resounding sentiment, however, despite the admittance of struggling with insecurities, is that we all deserve to - and should - love and cherish our bodies for what they've done rather than what they look like. See the celebrities who have bared all postbirth to prove that every body is beautiful.
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