lundi 6 août 2018
Back to Basics: This Fundamental Workout Will Help You Strengthen at Any Level

Introducing strength training into your workouts can definitely seem like an intimidating move, but there are plenty of ways to ease into this new part of your fitness journey. For one, you don't have to jump straight into barbell work. Strength training encompasses bodyweight exercises that can also be enhanced with dumbbells. To help you narrow down your routine to the best beginner moves, Corey Phelps, nutrition expert, NASM personal trainer, certified BASI Pilates teacher, TRX and Spinning instructor, and creator of the fitness app Cultivate365, shared a strengthening workout that can help any level master fundamental movements.
Corey's biggest recommendation: "Keep it simple, start small, and build from there," she told POPSUGAR. "If you do too much in the beginning, you may end up overly sore, which can be discouraging and ultimately hinder you from keeping a consistent schedule."
Her workout below targets major muscle groups and serves as a helpful way to measure your progress. Once you're able to complete 15 reps with ease, it's time to move onto heavier weights.
The workout:
- Squats
- Walking lunges
- Shoulder presses
- Bicep curls
- Overhead triceps extensions
- Reverse abdominal crunches
Complete 10 to 12 reps for each move for a total of four sets. Not challenging enough? Increase your reps to 12 to 15 for a total of five sets.
See the moves ahead!
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