mardi 28 août 2018

Skip the Crunches and Strengthen Your Abs With These 15 Exercises

If you want to drop your 5K time or prevent injuries like lower-back pain, it's imperative that you begin to focus on strengthening your core. The muscles that make up your core are the internal obliques, external obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis muscles. Not only do these muscles protect your internal organs, but they also help support the muscles of your spine, helping you maintain an erect posture, and are activated every time you breathe, sneeze, have bowel movements, and pick up objects. Since our abdominal muscles play an integral role in pretty much everything we do, it's important that we take the time to strengthen them.

Doing a few mountain climbers here and there won't get you a strong and sculpted midsection. Instead, to strengthen your abs, begin to incorporate ab exercises into your workout routine at least three times a week. To get you started out on the right track, we've rounded up 15 of our favorite ab-strengthening exercises. Choose three to five exercises from the list ahead and incorporate them into your workouts.

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