lundi 13 août 2018
The Most Important Piece of Advice I Give to People Who Want to Go Vegan

I've been vegan for a few years and I've loved every second of my plant-based journey. I'm also a nutrition coach who helps clients change their eating habits so they can feel their very best each and every day. Yes, going vegan can be a tough transition, but only if you don't do it the right way.
There's a lot of guidance I give to clients and friends who are looking to go vegan, but there's one nugget of advice that trumps them all: make the changes gradually. You can't expect to see anything different if you try to give up everything in one fell swoop. I see too many people make that mistake. They swear they're giving up dairy or meat forever, and then three days later, they're craving a creamy yogurt so badly that they go overboard and eat too much ice cream.
Rather than going cold turkey, think about how often you eat meat. If it's once a day, cut back to four times a week. The following week, only eat meat two or three times a week, and so on and so forth. This allows your body to get used to the changes you're creating, and it will make it much easier to stick to it in the long run. Plus, you will start to notice the positive benefits as they gradually show up in your body and mind. You'll actually want to eat more and more plants as time goes on.
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