jeudi 2 août 2018
This Woman Cleaned Her Entire Pool With 1 Magic Eraser, but Not in the Way You're Thinking

After Lisa Pack saw a too-good-to-be-true hack for cleaning pools on Facebook, she knew she had to try it. Knowing that her pool water often gets green fairly easily, there was nothing to lose in trying the simple trick: putting a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser in the filter bucket overnight. Yes, that's literally the whole hack.
"Everyone knows my pool is green by this time of the year. . . I figured why not try it, I had a box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers laying around. Now mind you, my pool wasn't green, but it looked like it was getting cloudy. I threw one of these in the skimmer basket and holla bing, holla boom, the cloudiness left and my sponge looks like this," Lisa wrote alongside a photo of herself holding the green Magic Eraser in front of her clean pool. "I'm pretty excited to think something so cheap could help so much."
Cheap, simple, and effective - all of the words we like to describe our cleaning tips with.
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