mercredi 1 août 2018

Want a Celebrity's Body? Here's Why Tracy Anderson Will Tell You That "It Can't Happen"

If you had five minutes to speak with a celebrity trainer, the first question many of us are probably dying to ask is how to get X's body. I mean, why wouldn't we want to know the fitness secrets of their star-studded clientele? Though you may be able to score some tips and tricks depending on who you talk to, one person who'll defer you to her publicist instead is Tracy Anderson, longtime friend and business partner of Gwyneth Paltrow and the badass woman behind her self-titled Method. POPSUGAR had the opportunity to meet with Tracy before she led a dance-cardio class for G. Sport Sessions, a fitness experience by Westin Hotels and Goop, and she made a comment that made us love her even more.

Speaking as her publicist: "You can ask [Tracy] how to get Jennifer Lopez's butt in three moves, you can ask her how to get Gwyneth Paltrow's legs in three moves, but she's going to keep telling you it can't happen," Tracy said.

To be clear, Tracy doesn't avoid these kinds of questions because she selfishly wants to keep all her trade secrets to herself. Not only is it physically impossible to alter your body to model after someone's (at least without cosmetic procedures), she explained that she does so in hopes of shifting the conversation and promoting self-love. "If you focus on wanting to be someone else, you're going to completely miss the opportunity to be yourself," she said. "I'm going to give you the tools for that, but it has to be inwardly focused; it can't be flipping through Instagram and magazines and going, 'Look at that beautiful person, I want what they have.'"

Tracy echoed this sentiment when we asked what mantra she lives by: "I value my life, I love myself, and I want to show up for myself honestly," she shared. So if you want to take a page from her book, hold yourself accountable, be authentic, and don't forget to show yourself plenty of love.

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