mardi 20 novembre 2018
If You Can't Get to the Gym, Do This 30-Minute Workout at Home - No Equipment Needed

This workout has got it all, and it is no joke! It's fast-paced and intense, and even though it's just bodyweight moves (so you can do it anywhere), expect to get sweaty and be sore tomorrow. There's cardio to get your heart rate up and burn calories, combined with strength-training moves to tone and strengthen your butt, arms, legs, and abs.
All you need are 30 minutes, a small place to move around, and your own body. This is the perfect workout to do while traveling. Since it's just a half-hour long, it's easy to squeeze into your busy schedule.
30-Minute Bodyweight Cardio and Strength-Training Workout
Directions: Complete each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Slow down the movements if your muscles start burning, but try not to stop until the 45 seconds are up (you got this!). At the end of the 30 minutes, there is a six-minute stretching routine to make you feel relaxed and ready to take on your day.
0:00-5:00 Cardio | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
Jumping jack | |
Frogger | |
High knees | |
Burpee | |
Side skater | |
5:01-10:00 Butt | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
Around-the-world squat hop | |
Squat with side leg lift | |
Squat jack | |
Single-leg bridge | |
Elbow plank with donkey kick | |
10:01-15:00 Arms | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
Triceps push-up | |
Dolphin dive | |
Up-down plank | |
Plank with bunny hop | |
Triceps dip | |
15:01-20:00 Legs | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
Air squat | |
Alternating forward lunge | |
Wide squat with calf raise | |
Alternating side lunge | |
Side plank leg lift | |
20:01-25:00 Core | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
V-sit | |
Forearm plank hip dips | |
Hip raise with leg extension | |
Seated Russian twist | |
Side plank dip | |
25:01-30:00 Cardio | Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 |
Ali shuffle | |
Lateral bunny hop | |
High-knee skip | |
Plank jack | |
Mountain climber |
Post-Workout Stretching Routine
30:01-36:00 | Hold each for 30 seconds |
Child's pose | |
Open revolved side angle (30 seconds per side) | |
Cobra | |
Butterfly | |
Seated straddle | |
Head to knee (30 seconds per side) | |
Half wheel | |
Happy baby | |
Lying spinal twist (30 seconds per side) |
Keep reading to learn details on how to do each exercise.
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