dimanche 9 décembre 2018

For Whatever Reason, Brands Want Our Pits to Smell Like Holiday Cheer

I'm not sure if I should take this as a hint, but in the past week, I've received a vast array of deodorant on my desk. I'm not upset because deodorant is something I hate buying but actually desire to have on my body at all times. What's unique about many of these deliveries is that they are natural deodorants with a holiday scent.

Brands like Native and Schmidt's have come out with their latest holiday offerings. And you know what? Kudos to said brands for making deodorant relevant this time of year. They know that white elephant exchanges are all the rage in office environments, and that the last thing someone really wants to get as a gift is something to make you stink less. However, when you add a scent like peppermint or pine, it instantly becomes an aromatic, cute gift to share. And since most people prefer gifts they want, not need - mom doesn't want a vacuum, for example, she wants a 24-hour sabbatical from mom duties - the last thing you would think of picking up as a gift is deodorant. In this case, it can be a tongue-in-cheek present or a way to make yourself feel more merriment during the holidays. Well played.

Having tested several of these pitmas offerings myself, I can tell you that they work just like to any other natural deodorant, and the scent does not "mix with your sweat." (Many of my coworkers were curious what smell that might produce.) You apply and get a whiff of the smell, which then disappears.

Keep reading to see all the yuletide armpit offerings available for your stockings and office holiday gatherings.

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