mardi 11 décembre 2018
Strengthen Your Arms, Legs, and Core With This 45-Minute Full-Body Workout

It's not asking too much to want strong arms, toned legs, a big butt, and sexy abs. All of this is possible with weightlifting. For a while, women thought that picking up weights heavier than 10 pounds would turn them into Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but we busted that myth. Weightlifting isn't just great for your physical appearance (curves on top of curves); it's also great for strengthening your bones and can help improve your sleep.
- Before getting started, be sure to go through a dynamic warmup to get your body prepared for the workout. An example of this is: butt kicks, high knees, plank saw, plank walkouts, leg swings, and glute bridges. You can also add in a light, five-minute jog.
- After the warmup, grab two sets of heavy dumbbells. One will be for the arm exercises and the other for the leg exercises. This will be different for everyone, but choose a weight that will challenge you on the last two to four reps. A good indicator that you need to lift heavier weights is if you feel like you could do more than 12 reps without feeling fatigued (shaky arms/legs).
- Take 45-60 seconds of rest in between sets and one minute of rest in between exercises.
- Once you're done with the workout, be sure to foam roll, stretch, and replenish with protein, carbohydrates, and electrolytes.
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