mardi 8 janvier 2019

5 Apps That Will Pay You to Exercise More and Crush Your Weight-Loss Goals

I'll be the first to admit that the best way to motivate me to lose weight is to offer me some kind of incentive beyond the scale. I know, I know - feeling healthier and more confident should be enough, but you know what? Sometimes, it's just not. That's why it's amazing that there are apps for literally everything, including ones that will pay you to get off your butt and chase those goals.

The five apps here will keep track of how much weight you've lost and how much you exercise and give you cash when you succeed. Some of them require you to bet on yourself by putting some money down, but if you smash through your goals, you'll earn your money right back, plus some extra dough to treat yourself to something nice (I have my eye on some leopard print sneakers). If you're ready to get moving, keep reading.

Related: 15 Free Fitness Apps to Kick-Start Your Health Journey

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