samedi 12 janvier 2019
A $7,000 Smart Toilet With an Alexa Speaker Exists, and We Can See the Kids Messing With It Already

Are you frequently underwhelmed by your toilet? The manufacturing company Kohler is right there with you, it seems, as it showed off a brand-new shiny smart toilet at this week's CES 2019 (Consumer Electronics Show), and it certainly grabbed the attention of the media, who were there reporting on the latest life-changing gadgets and robots. The impressive design is like nothing we've ever seen - it plays music (love it), offers completely customizable ambient lighting (because, let's be honest, the lights in the bathroom always suck), and has a built-in Amazon Alexa. And it's all voice-activated, which is either great or terrible, depending on whether or not you anticipate your kids will mess with it as much as they can. To continue with the luxury amenities, the seat itself is heated, and it opens and closes automatically, so no more fighting with your partner about that. The toilet has a name - Numi 2.0 - and it comes with a steep price point: $7,000.
See more of the impressive features in CNBC's coverage:
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