mercredi 23 janvier 2019
Cook Once and Eat All Week With These Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

I may not be the best cook, but I still manage to meal prep on Sundays. One of my favorite meal prep hacks is using my slow cooker. My slow cooker is six quarts so I'm able to make big batches of food that will last me throughout the week. Plus, I can make the food in the morning, set it, and do all the other chores and errands I need to do throughout the day while my food cooks. Win-win.
One of my favorite healthy recipes to make is shredded chicken with salsa for burrito bowls and tacos: I put a few raw chicken breasts in the base of the slow cooker, cover it with a jar of salsa, and let it cook for a few hours on high. I also love making big batches of turkey chili to last me all week (just browned ground turkey, tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, and a bunch of cans of beans).
Instead of spending all afternoon laboring over a hot stovetop and oven, use your slow cooker to meal prep. Not sure where to start? Scroll through these five recipes to get you started.
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