vendredi 25 janvier 2019
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Reactions to Catwalk, a Documentary About Cat Shows

Attention, my fellow crazy cat ladies: the only thing that matters as of this very moment is the fact that Netflix has a documentary film about cat shows in Canada, called Catwalk: Tales From the Cat Show Circuit. The documentary, which follows cat show parents competing for the title of Canada's top cat and, thus, the ultimate bragging rights, is an hour and 15 minutes of pure fluff - and not the filler kind of fluff, but actual glorious cat fluff that you'll wish you could bury your face into.
Welp, I know what I'll be watching tonight . . . with my cats.
Since the film hit Netflix, the cat people of Twitter can't stop talking about the beauty that is cat pageantry and, in particular, one of the documentary's subjects, a very furry orange kitty named Oh La La. Ahead, see some of the funniest reactions to the documentary, as well as its trailer, and watch Catwalk for yourself on Netflix.
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