lundi 6 juillet 2020
Grab Your Popcorn! Walmart Is Transforming 160 Parking Lots Into Drive-Ins This Summer

Ready to kick back and watch some entertaining family-friendly flicks? Because Walmart is turning 160 of its store parking lots into contact-free drive-in movie theaters beginning in August. Programmed with help from the Tribeca Drive-in team, a total of 320 screenings will happen across the US through October.
According to a press release, each drive-in experience will include "hit movies, special appearances from filmmakers and celebrities, and concessions delivered right to customer vehicles." Ahead of each screening, customers can order baskets of drive-in essentials that will be available for curbside pickup before the movie begins.
"Drive-Ins have been a signature program for Tribeca since we started the Tribeca Film Festival 19 years ago after 9/11," said Jane Rosenthal, CEO and Co-Founder of Tribeca Enterprises and Tribeca Film Festival, in a press release. "But now, the Tribeca Drive-In is much more than a fun, retro way to see movies - it's one of the safest ways for communities to gather. We are thrilled to partner with Walmart to bring more people together around the shared cinematic experiences that Tribeca is known for."
In July, Walmart and the Tribeca Film Festival have confirmed that parking lots in Arlington, TX, Pasadena, CA, Nassau County, NY, and Orchard Beach in the Bronx, NY, will be set up to show films like Wonder Woman and Space Jam before the 160 Walmart drive-ins officially open in August.
Visit the Tribeca Film Festival's website to buy tickets and see what deals its offering for frontline workers.
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