samedi 25 juillet 2020

This Beach-Bronzed Patrick Ta Glow Balm Sent Me on My First Vacation in Months

When I told my mother I was testing out a new body bronzer today, her first question was, "where are you going that you need bronzer?" Silly mom. She seems to have forgotten that the grocery store is a perfectly good setting for highlighter since, if you can't glow to Trader Joe's, where can you glow?

While I'd expect this from my non-makeup-wearing parent, I also have friends who judge my unwavering proclivity for glitter, especially in situations they don't consider shimmer-worthy. Fine, I may not be holding out hope to make it to the tropics in 2020, but this new Patrick Ta balm did actually make me feel like I was on a vacation, and reminded me that nothing (not even a surprise pandemic ... or surprise thunderstorm) can take away my sparkle.

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