samedi 26 septembre 2020
10 Workout Videos That Use The DB Method Squat Machine to Tone and Sculpt Your Arms

While it's no secret that the DB Method machine is an incredible tool for toning and sculpting your glutes, it can also be used to target other areas of your body, including your arms. The at-home resistance machine, designed to put the body in the perfect squat position, totes a tension rod built with 220lbs of pre-set resistance that is most commonly used to target the three muscles of the buttocks - the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus – for a killer leg workout. But, its capabilities span far beyond the land of the booty.
When used with proper form, this machine can target upper body muscles to give you sculpted and strong arms in conjunction with the round, firm glutes it is known for. From low-impact arm workouts to full-body HIIT sequences, we've compiled ten DB Method workout videos to keep the top half of your body as toned as the bottom.
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