vendredi 30 octobre 2020

15 Rattan Planters That'll Elevate Your Plant Friends and Your Home Decor Game

If you've got a green thumb, you know the struggle of trying to find the space for all your favorite indoor plants. Investing in some quality planters is like getting a mini home makeover but with tons of added benefits. Having plants around the house is a form of self-care: plants can decrease stress levels, help you get better sleep, and even keep you from getting sick by acting as a natural humidifier (living in 40-60 percent humidity leads to a slower spread of airborne viruses and a better immune response).

Making your plants look good is easy thanks to rattan plant stands. Rattan is a natural wood that's used in wicker weaves to create boho home decor that's super sturdy, long-lasting, and beautiful. Keep reading to see some of the best rattan planters available to shop right now.


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