mercredi 27 avril 2016

Here's What Your Favorite TV Characters' Apartments Would Look Like IRL

While it's long been contested that Carrie Bradshaw would not be able to afford that walk-in closet in New York City given her journalist's salary, an illustrator's recent series proved just how unrealistic our favorite fictional residences really are.

For quite some time, artist Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde has been watching popular sitcoms and movies - from The Golden Girls to Up - to accurately map out and draw the floor plans for the homes and apartments where most of the action occurs. The end result is pretty incredible. For example, we had no idea just how sprawling Will Truman and Grace Adler's apartment is on Will & Grace! Their square footage makes Holly Golightly's apartment look tiny.

Keep reading for an interesting inside look at all those homes you thought you knew so well.

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