dimanche 24 juillet 2016

If You Only Do 1 Healthy Thing in the Morning, Make Sure It's This

When you wake up late and start your day crazed, you can be sure that the rest of your day will follow suit. In the same vein, it's equally incredible how a quick morning meditation can shift you away from a case of the cuckoos and back to your centered self - ready to embrace the day! Some might scoff at the concept of taking a significant amount of time in the morning to do nothing but sit in silence, but it can be a truly transformative time.

  • You'll breathe better all day long: So many days the clock can strike noon, and you realize you haven't taken one really deep breath since you woke up. Starting your day off with these full body breaths instantly relieves nerves and leaves you with a sense of calm. Calling this attention to your breath will keep your stamina up and your head clear for the duration of your day.
  • You're giving your bod a treat: It just plain feels good! Forcing yourself to cool your jets and sit for even five or 10 minutes may seem like a struggle, but practice makes perfect, and it will give back tenfold. You're busy helping everyone all day long; you need to give yourself a little love too.
  • You're setting an intention: Waking up, pressing play, and going all day long may seem like a productive jump-start, but a racing mind does you far more harm than good. If you feel like you're on a constant wheel every morning, taking this time and celebrating your day will keep you feeling positive and purposeful.

Not sure how to start a daily meditation practice? Here are five styles of meditation for beginners.

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