mardi 30 août 2016
5 Things No One Warns You About When Fostering Shelter Pets
My entry into the world of foster animals came in October of last year, after my puppy fever hit a record high. Several months spent religiously stalking my neighborhood shelters led to a strange little face popping up on my screen – it was a Pekingese with bulgy eyes that weren't quite right and a wild fur coat that made a dog somehow look more like a lion with growth issues. And what do you know, he needed a foster home. I quickly fired off a "Can we foster this guy?" text to my boyfriend, and without waiting for a response, I was hurrying out of my office to pick him up from the shelter.
Swooping that pup up from Social Tees animal rescue turned our home into a revolving door for foster pets, welcoming a new four-legged friend each time the last found his forever family. The laughter, joy, and occasional chaos these animals have brought into our cramped one-bedroom apartment in New York has been the absolute best experience.
If you're at all considering joining the foster community, here's just a small dose of what you can expect.
This Cop Was Just Doing His Job When He Found His Forever Friend
If You Don't Follow This Senior Dog Facebook Page, You're Seriously Missing Out
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