lundi 24 octobre 2016

After Kids Made Fun of Her Brother With Autism, This 6-Year-Old Wrote a Powerful Letter

Even though Lex is only 6 years old, she understands something that many far beyond her years struggle to comprehend: it's important to celebrate everyone's differences instead of tearing them down.

The compassionate little girl from England was shocked to learn that others, including her own classmates, don't know this vital lesson when a classmate said that her brother was weird. Lex's 9-year-old brother has autism, and her peer's lack of understanding left Lex beyond upset.

Instead of getting mad, the mature child decided it was up to her to make a change and wrote a letter to her school. With minimal spelling help from her mom, Sophie Camilleri, Lex asked to speak about "Disability Awareness in Schools" during her next school council meeting.

Sophie shared the note on Facebook, and Lex's insightful words have already moved thousands:

On Monday I felt very sad because a girl in my class said that my brother was weird. My brother has autism and is not weird. I would like it if we could learn about all disabilities in school so that everybody understands that some people are different but we should all be treated the same.

"I'm so very proud that Lex has this view and wants to change the way other children view others with disabilities," Sophie wrote on Facebook. "She is only 6 years old and is already part of the school council, wanting to make this change."

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