jeudi 27 octobre 2016
If You Missed October's Gorgeous Supermoon, You Can Catch It Again Later This Year
Did you happen to look up at the night sky this past weekend? If you did, you were lucky enough to catch the hunter's supermoon, a full moon that illuminated the night sky and left sky gazers astonished.
This month's full moon was both a supermoon and a hunter's moon, an event that occurs in the Fall. Typically, the moon rises 50 minutes later each day. But a hunter's moon signifies that the "October moon rises 30 minutes later" instead, reports National Geographic. If you don't know, a supermoon happens when the full moon "is closer to Earth than average," according to NASA. The combination of these two events meant people saw a moon that looked larger than usual as it lit up the sky earlier in the night.
If you're sad you missed this supermoon, you can catch the next two in November and December. The Nov. 14 supermoon is both the closest full moon of 2016 and the first one of its kind in the 21st century, which we won't see again till Nov. 25, 2034. The supermoon in December will occur on the 14th, and sadly, it means you won't be able to see the Geminid meteor shower.
To see what the hunter's supermoon looked like, check out the incredible photos ahead from around the world, and mark your calendars now for the next two supermoons. All it takes is peeking out your window the night of to catch a fun and amazing astronomical treat.
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