mardi 25 juillet 2017
1 Mom Used Breast Milk in Brownies For a School Bake Sale, and People Are Pissed
An anonymous mom took to the Facebook group Sanctimommy to get some advice on a teeny conundrum she found herself in: she ran out of regular milk while making brownies for her kid's bake sale and opted to use her own breast milk instead. As you can imagine, parents were pretty ticked off, and the mom is having some trouble understanding why.
In her now-viral post, the mother in question thinks that her solution was just a plain old practical one. "I made brownies for my school bake sale that had breast milk in them. I didn't have time to run to the store, and didn't think it was a big deal (some of those kids could use the nutrition to be honest)," she wrote. "One of the other moms found out and are blowing it way out of proportion. Idk what to do!"
Well, it's definitely safe to say many of her fellow mamas aren't exactly over the moon about her decision. Many of them took to Facebook almost instantly to show her the error in her ways. "It's like that one time I made lemonade with my urine because I ran out of water and didn't feel like going to the store to get more," one user wrote. "I only drink Perrier so they were getting, like, the best urine ever. I don't know why everyone was so mad about it."
Others took more offense with the fact that kids were unknowingly ingesting someone else's bodily fluids . . . albeit a healthy one. "Technically breast milk IS a bodily fluid. A nutritious life sustaining one for babies, but a bodily fluid nonetheless," a commenter said.
While most comments weren't the most friendly, other moms made light of the situation. "Once she uses her own eggs, then she can brag about nutrition. Amateur," one person joked.
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