mardi 25 juillet 2017

The 10 Moms You Meet at Book Club

For moms, book club can be a magical thing. It sounds like a legitimately adult, responsible form of socializing - who can argue with a group that encourages reading? - but as many a member has learned, book club is less about the book than about scoring a guilt-free, on-the-books night out every single month, where the wine flows freely and the moms are free to complain about their children and spouses as much as they want.

My own book club started as just a few neighborhood moms and has grown to dozens of women, all moms of young children, who heard the (very true) rumors about how our meetings usually run way past midnight, include way too much wine, and are about two percent book talk, 98 percent gossip and laughter. "Book club is a lie," my husband recently told me. "It's just an excuse to drink and get out of the house." I laughed it off, not wanting to confirm that he was exactly right, and that's why it's totally the best.

If you have an equally awesome book club in your life, here are some of the moms you'll most definitely come across while you're (not) discussing this month's book.

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