jeudi 18 janvier 2018
Sorry, but Here Are 5 Important Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Diet Soda
Different people have different vices. Some can't live without coffee, while others just can't resist that afternoon chocolate pick-me-up. Diet soda is yet another vice that many folks feel like they can't live without. As painful as it may be to hear, though, diet soda is one of those things that we would be better off without. Don't believe us? Here are five reasons you should give up this common beverage once and for all.
It Causes Bloating
Fizzy drinks may feel cool and refreshing, but they don't do your belly any favors. Drinking carbonated beverages regularly can cause bloating and general discomfort in your digestive tract. If you're in need of a tasty cold drink, reach for unsweetened iced tea instead.
It Can Cause Weight Gain
According to a study from the University of Texas Health Science Center, people who drink diet soda have a greater risk of becoming overweight. Even if you just drink one or two cans a day, studies show that your waistline could increase by 500 percent. Even if you're not trying to lose weight, it's smart to stay away from these kinds of drinks, because gaining an excess amount of weight can lead to serious health problems down the line, like high blood pressure and higher risk of heart disease.
It Alters Your Body's Natural Hunger Hormones
Researchers from Birzeit University in Palestine recently found that drinking diet soda increases the production of the hormone ghrelin, which regulates your hunger impulses. When ghrelin is elevated, you feel much hungrier, even if you don't really need to eat yet. This can lead to overeating or gorging on junk food, both of which can cause weight gain or general digestive discomfort.
It Can Mess With Your Mood
It may sound surprising, but the ingredient aspartame, which is extremely common in diet soda, can alter your mood. You might feel angry, upset, or just downright cranky - and for no reason at all. This is especially an issue for people who struggle with anxiety or depression.
It Has Serious Effects on Your Health
Did you know that drinking diet soda every day can make you 44 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack than those who don't drink it at all? It's a scary number to stomach, but that's the reality that a study from the University of Miami discovered. Similarly, a daily diet soda habit can make you much more susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes.
Trade in your diet soda for something else tasty and healthy, like kombucha, unsweetened tea, or green juice. Your health will be much better in the long run.
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