vendredi 9 février 2018
1 Critic Ruined Black Panther's Perfect Rotten Tomatoes Score, and Now Fans Are Livid

On Thursday, Ryan Coogler's Black Panther received its first negative critique, dropping Marvel's latest superhero film - which has been universally praised up until this point for its diversity, originality, and characters - down from 100 to 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. As expected, fans are livid.
Now, listen: it's the prerogative of any film critic to be honest about their opinions. To critique the flaws of any film is their literal job. But it's what Ed Power at the Irish Independent dinged the movie on that has people upset, not simply the fact he dared to give it a less than perfect score to begin with. In his Thursday review, which gives the movie three out of five stars, Power's only gripe appears to be the Wakandan superhero's lack of action.
"What he doesn't get to do much of is jump around beating-up bad guys," Power writes. "That's a shame. Marvel has finally given us an African superhero. The hope surely was that he would be allowed do superheroic things."
Yes, the movie now has a less-than-perfect score because T'Challa apparently doesn't beat people up enough. For that reason, Black Panther fans have awarded the review zero out of five stars, as you can see ahead.
This one negative reviewer of Black Panther gave it a rotten because T'Challa doesn't beat up enough "bad guys". Really my dude?
- Jamie "Is February 16 2018 Here Yet?" Broadnax (@JamieBroadnax) February 8, 2018
- ❄️❄️ (@kyaaa2_) February 8, 2018
i don't like Birdman because I found out via Instagram that it is an ex-boyfriend's favorite movie, and this guy's reasoning about #BlackPanther is dumber than that
- Carrie Wittmer🐻🍊 (@carriesnotscary) February 8, 2018
PFFFT Bad review of #BlackPanther literally was "I don't think he beat up enough people." WTF KINDA LOGIC IS THAT? XD
- G (@GokaiRed215) February 8, 2018
The guy who gave #BlackPanther 3/5 and destroyed its 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes waffles through his review, ending stating that there's 'not enough beating up bad guys'.
This review lacks any sort of substance and the writer doesn't actually make any worthwhile points...- Nick Barnes 👋🏼 (@imnickbarnes) February 8, 2018
The guy that gave Black Panther a rotten review says and I quote: "What he doesn't get to do much of is jump around beating-up bad guys.". This guy said "jump around beating up bad guys" in a review. Is he 12? THIS is why he gave it a rotten review? SMGDH.
- Black Panther Drops In 8 Days #DYECB (@TASKvsTheWorld) February 7, 2018
Good Morning everyone! (Except people that give Black Panther a bad review on rotten tomatoes)
- 𓂺 死にたい (@TheKingLatifah) February 6, 2018
Black Panther is currently at a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes. The only bad review says "not enough action"...... BRUH! STFU!
- Bryant Hernandez (@Bryant_Hz) February 8, 2018
"Hmm, I want to give Black Panther a bad review but how? HOW?" *squints at notes for ANYTHING negative* "Ah, not a lot of fight scenes. I will change that to "Doesn't beat up enough bad guys" I'm brilliant".
- Don Donahue III (@DonnieThe3rd) February 8, 2018
not so bold prediction: the first critic to write a "rotten" review of BLACK PANTHER will be White.
even less bold prediction: *Armond* White.- david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) January 30, 2018
Let's all side-eye Ed Power with @Independent_ie for being literally the only critic to give #BlackPanther a bad review on @RottenTomatoes. SMH#BlackHistoryMonth
- Trill Clinton (@aStatesman) February 8, 2018
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