vendredi 16 février 2018
Bob Harper Says If You Do These 4 Things, You're Guaranteed to Lose Weight - and Keep It Off!

Celebrity trainer, author, and The Biggest Loser star Bob Harper has been helping celebrity clients and TV contestants lose weight for decades, but recently he's made some powerful changes to his approach, both personally and professionally. Chiefly among those, he shifted from a Paleo diet to a carb-friendly, plant-based lifestyle, and outlined an exceptionally balanced new weight-loss plan in his book The Super Carb Diet: Shed Pounds, Build Strength, Eat Real Food.
1. Never Underestimate the Power of Water
Drink up, friends! It may seem painfully simple - and that's because it is. "I think that we talk about being hungry, but a lot of times people are dehydrated, too," Bob told POPSUGAR.
He said that if you feel hungry on your diet but it's not quite time for the next meal, to "slow your roll" and "drink a glass of water." Hydration is a top way to feel satiated and reach your weight-loss goals.
"Find joy in your day . . . the joy will transcend into all the things you want to do to better yourself."
2. Eat Your Vegetables
Yet another impossibly simple piece of advice, but words of wisdom that this weight-loss guru lives by. "No one is ever going to get fat from eating a vegetable," he said.
"Even when I was on Loser, when I worked with [contestants], getting them to incorporate more vegetables into their meals bulks up what they are eating, but it doesn't bulk you up." In essence, you'll feel more full, but you won't pack on pounds. "I'm a big fan of eating more plant based, and I believe that eating your vegetables is a great weight-loss tool."
3. Put Balance Back on Your Plate
"The best weight-loss tip I could give people is to put balance back on your plate." Having been in the weight-loss and fitness industry for so long, Bob has seen the extremes and the deprivation that typically goes into a standard weight-loss plan.
"I have been in this business for such a long time - I have seen every trick, I have done every diet plan out there. And I have always known that if you want to lose weight fast, you cut out all your carbs - it really works; we all know that!" But there's a HUGE, massive catch to that, he noted.
"What I have seen so many times is people putting their weight back on, because for a lot of people, it's super hard to go a lifetime without eating carbohydrates, especially the good carbs!" Amen to that! "I thought, 'Why not press the reset on people's diets . . . why not incorporate carbs into your meal plan, and still be able to lose weight?'"
"You can go the rest of your life eating just like this."
He did just that, and now he's encouraging you to do the same - you can eat carbs and still lose weight! Here's how he does it with his clients (and in his book): "I balance out their macronutrients: you make sure every single time you eat, you have protein, fat, and carbs along with your vegetables," he explained. "My book says its a diet, but really it's a way of life. You can go the rest of your life eating just like this - it's not extreme, it's not crazy, and you don't have to feel like you committed a cardinal sin just because you ate a sandwich!"
4. Find the Joy
"I know this sounds so California tree-hugger," Bob said, laughing, "but I believe it with everything that I believe in. I live by it." He told us that this is by far his favorite tip he's ever given.
"Find the joy in your life," he said, suggesting that it will have an impact on all other areas of your life. "I think that you have got to find joy in your day, and when you are able to do that, the joy will transcend into all the things you want to do to better yourself."
Bob suggested that as you begin your day, your weight-loss journey, whatever it is, to look inward and reflect. "What makes you happy? Is it your dogs? Is it your boyfriend? WHATEVER! Embrace it, and don't ever take it for granted," he said. "I don't take anything for granted anymore."
"When you acknowledge it, it feeds into the central nervous system, and it makes you feel just a little bit better. Hold those things dear to you! Because it's precious."
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