samedi 3 février 2018
Mom Makes a Case For Referring to Kids as Assh*les, and the Internet Applauds

Image Source: Stocksnap / Hunter Johnson
Let's take a quick minute to be honest here: raising kids isn't always a picnic. Sure, we love them to bits and they certainly make our lives better by existing, but that doesn't mean they're always perfect. In fact, they can be little turds a lot of the time! Or, as one mom on Twitter so aptly put it, they can be "assh*les."
Look, we gotta stop acting like it's a bad thing to call our kids assholes. Like my daughter just dead ass death glared me while pouring her juice on the floor after I said not too. Come on. That makes her an asshole. Don't shame me.
- milfshake🥤 (@mamalieky1) January 29, 2018
The relatable (and hilarious) tweet about kids' less-than-angelic tendencies began going viral on Instagram as parents voiced their agreement about the sentiment that we should call it like we see it.
Exactly! But only I can call my kid an asshole, if anybody else calls her an asshole We're fighting .
- Tyler Seniseros (@hurles_t) January 29, 2018
Little girls are the type to stare you dead in the face as they push your wine glass over onto your white carpet because they didn't get the glittery stuffed animal they wanted 😐 little boys are harmlessly evil generally lol
- Narnian Space Turtle (@h1pp1e_) January 29, 2018
I try not to cuss around my son so I'll improvise and say butthole or whatever😂 But I totally agree with this 😭😭
- A✨ (@Mama_Cookiee) January 29, 2018
Nobody is advocating calling your toddler an assh*le to their face. But when you're relaxing with a glass of wine around other parents, should it really be frowned upon to complain about that assh*le move your kid pulled in the midst of their "Terrible Twos" tantrum at the grocery store or when they intentionally poured milk on your mattress? We think not, and based on the responses to the tweet, other parents agree!
Kids are like cats - they can sometimes be assh*les, but they're cute enough to make up for it.
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