dimanche 4 février 2018

Nikki Ate "Pizza Every Friday" and Still Lost 133 Pounds, Thanks to This Diet

If you looked at Nikki Wellein's pictures from a few years ago, you probably wouldn't recognize her. She started at 263 pounds and now weighs 130 pounds, and she did it all by following the keto diet and generally becoming more aware of what she was putting into her body. Her hard work certainly paid off. Here's how she made her amazing transformation.

Nikki: Before

"I have lost 133 pounds in total," Nikki told POPSUGAR. It definitely wasn't a quick fix or a crash diet that helped Nikki achieve her goals. In fact, it took her quite some time to actually lose all that weight. "The first 50 pounds took about five or six years just by eating somewhat healthier."

After she shed 50 pounds, she changed her eating habits to match the keto diet, which puts a big emphasis on healthy fats as a way for your body to burn more energy and therefore shed more pounds. "The last 80 pounds took 10 months to lose by sticking adamantly to the keto diet, which I started the end of March 2016," she shared. "I hit my goal weight January 2017."

Nikki's keto diet was high in healthy fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. She kept her daily carb intake at 25 grams or lower, which she still follows today. And she completely eliminated sugar from her diet. "You don't need bread, pasta, and sugar to survive," she said. "A lot of people have a hard time giving those things up completely." But when she got over the hump and kicked her sugar cravings, she saw amazing, lasting changes in her body.

Nikki: After

"I've been in maintenance for nearly a year now and have had no issues maintaining my goal weight," she told us. "I would absolutely recommend the keto diet, but in order for it to work, you not only need to change the way you eat, but you need to change your mindset. If you cheat on this diet, it is just going to take even longer to lose the weight."

In order to keep herself satisfied and make sure she's never hungry, Nikki eats a variety of foods. "I eat a lot of eggs and avocado. I make keto-friendly smoothies," she said. "I eat pizza every Friday made with Fathead dough, I make 90-second bread with almond flour, and [I eat] lots of veggies smothered in butter. I cook a lot with coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil."

Nikki: Before

Following the keto diet wasn't just about cutting carbs or eating more healthy fats for Nikki. She used this as a chance to learn more about food and nutrition, to cook her own meals, and to end the cycle of snacking on highly processed and sugary snacks. It's been over a year since she reached her goal weight, and Nikki has had no problem keeping the weight off.

It seems that diet was the primary reason she saw such a huge change in her body. "I'm pretty lazy when it comes to working out," she admitted. "I do a lot of moving around at work to make up for it. I also enjoy Just Dance for the Wii." Hey, that sounds like a fun workout to us!

Nikki: After

Whatever choices she makes in her fitness program, there's no question that Nikki's change in diet has done incredible things for her health and physique. We're amazed by her transformation!

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