mardi 6 février 2018

Strap In, Because the First Full Trailer For Solo: A Star Wars Story Has Arrived

A new look at the Han Solo movie - Solo: A Star Wars Story - is finally HERE. Are you freaking out? Because we're freaking out. The first footage from the Star Wars spinoff gives us a brief glimpse at the prequel, which will follow a young Han Solo (played by Hail Caesar!'s Alden Ehrenreich) long before he ever links up with Luke or Leia.

In addition to showing a budding friendship between the sci-fi icon and a young Chewbacca, the trailer also reveals a few shots of fan-favorite Lando Calrissian, played by Atlanta's Donald Glover. Oh, and the characters Woody Harrelson and Emilia Clarke are playing? Well we finally get some clues about them, too.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is directed by Ron Howard and will be able to function as its own separate story, just like Rogue One. Before it hits theaters on May 25, feel free to watch the trailer for the next chapter in the Star Wars universe as many times as you like above! We won't judge.

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