samedi 29 décembre 2018

According to Experts, This Is the Most Effective Way For Women to Lose Belly Fat

When it comes to burning body fat, a lot of women have the same target area: the belly. Much to the chagrin of many of us, belly fat is notoriously stubborn, and it's important to note that you can't spot reduce fat. In other words, simply being diligent about crunches isn't going to help you achieve your goal.

"Just as you can not influence where your body stores dreaded excess fat when it packs it on, you can't control where your metabolism opts to pull from when it taps into fat stores, which incidentally tends not to be from the region we gain it in the first place," Corey Phelps, founder and CEO of Cultivate by Corey and creator of the Cultivate365 program, told POPSUGAR.

That's not to say that we're powerless to reduce belly fat. A combination of diet and exercise can help us achieve this goal in a healthy manner. What types of diet and exercise, you ask? Here's what experts have to say about the nutrition and workout aspects of losing belly fat - and keeping it off.

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