lundi 10 décembre 2018
Keto and Intermittent Fasting Dominated 2018 - Here's Why They Are So Damn Effective

You couldn't open up social media or attend a family function this year without someone mentioning one (or both) of the biggest diet crazes: intermittent fasting (IF) and the keto diet. But it's not just your cousin or fitness instructor who practices them; they have major celeb followings, too. Halle Berry, Vanessa Hudgens, and LeBron James all credit keto for their fit frames, while Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, and Jimmy Kimmel all swear by intermittent fasting.
And they're not just buzzwords; these approaches to eating, which each have a fervent following, have helped countless people lose weight and transform their lives. While both diets can be done simultaneously, they are wildly different. We broke down the ins and outs of each diet, including what (and when) you can eat, what to avoid, and how to do it successfully.
As of now, it looks like there's no slowing down on these crazes into 2019. If either of them appeal to you, keep reading to find out how to incorporate keto and/or IF into your life.
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