mardi 2 juin 2020

19 Skin-Care Products Bringing Our Editors a Sense of Calm Amid the Horrific News Cycle

Frustration. Stress. Fear. The world is feeling it all right now, and chances are its effects are showing up on your face. Whether your skin is freaking the f*ck out from the relentless news cycle or you just can't seem to quell the irritation that comes with wearing a face mask covering every day - or maybe a little of both - there is science behind seeking solace in your everyday rituals. For many people, that comes in the form of a set skin-care routine.

From acne treatments that keep stress breakouts at bay to face masks that serve as a form of escapism, it's OK to want to treat yourself every now and again. (There is, after all, no "right" or "wrong" way to practice self-care in these unprecedented times, so long as you acknowledge there is privilege in being able to do so.)

As for us? We're right there with you, so we asked our POPSUGAR editors to share the latest skin-care products offering them some minor reprieve, even if just temporarily - before we all get back to putting in the work.

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