mardi 22 septembre 2020
No Weights? No Problem! 16 No Equipment EMOM Workouts You Can Do at Home

With so many of us still preferring to keep our workouts within the home right now, it can get a little bit boring. So, it's a great time to add some variety to your exercise mix. Perfectly complementing your Saturday yoga flow, and your Tuesday core workouts, EMOM routines are everything you didn't know you needed in your life. EMOM is a type of HIIT that targets fat, easily burning calories through its system of short bursts of maximum-effort, followed by short rest breaks. Standing for "every minute on the minute," EMOM means you have a minute to complete the assigned number of reps, using the remainder of the minute to rest. However, if you take the whole minute, you have to go to next exercise with no break (ah, there's always a catch . . . ). The good news is, these workouts are super-effective, and can be done at home with zero equipment. Swipe through to see our favorite EMOM at-home, no-equipment-needed workouts, and try one out for yourself.
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