dimanche 25 octobre 2020

Shake Up Your Nightcap Routine With a Pumpkin Caramel Hard Cider Cocktail

Pumpkin spice tacos, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin spice latte bread . . . there's truly no such thing as too many pumpkin-inspired recipes. And with fall in full swing, we aren't putting a cap on how many new pumpkin foods or drinks we'll be trying this season. Like this pumpkin caramel hard cider cocktail recipe from TikTok user Max (@letmaxkno), which looks freakin' piquant and is just what the doctor ordered.

The hard cider recipe above is easy to follow and won't steal much of your time, either. For a boozy kick, liquors like Kissed Caramel vodka and bourbon are added. The recipe features a homemade pumpkin spice syrup - a tutorial for that here - which can also be substituted with a quicker alternative from the grocery store. Glass rimmed with caramel syrup and cinnamon spice, you'll enjoy every sip with a hit of sugary sweetness.

Shaking up your at-home cocktail menu is always fun, especially when you throw in seasonal favorites like this pumpkin caramel hard cider beverage. On a crisp fall night, you'll know exactly where to find us, under a cozy blanket nursing a mug of flavorful warm hard cider.

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