Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

mardi 30 juin 2015

Tone Your Whole Body With 1 Challenging Yoga Sequence

Want lean, limber, and strong muscles? Here's a fluid sequence you can try on your own. These nine poses will tone and strengthen every part of your body, so hop on your mat and keep reading. If you love this sequence, print out a copy to keep in your gym bag.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The 5 Foods You Should Include in Every Meal

Eating right doesn't have to involve a complicated system of rules. If you strive to include the following five foods in every meal, not only will you feel satisfied and energetic, your body will get all the necessary nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Get Ready! Our No-Excuses Workout Challenge Starts Tomorrow

You can stay fit no matter where you are with our No-Excuses Workout Challenge starting July 1. With no equipment required for this monthlong workout plan, you can participate in the challenge no matter where your Summer travels take you. No workout is over 30 minutes, so once again, no excuses. Plus, you can follow the challenge on POPSUGAR Active our iPhone app. Seriously! The challenge is so easy to follow, all you need to do is sweat.

Sign up here and we will send you an email to kick it off.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

5 Ways to Sneak Healthy Foods in Every Day Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Nicole Perry

We partnered with Chobani on this post that gives a new perspective on foods you should be eating every day. Grab a Chobani Simply 100® for a delicious way to stay healthy and strong!

Hitting your daily requirement of fruits, vegetables, and proteins should be easy, but busy days can result in not hitting healthy-eating goals. While the recommended serving per person varies depending on age and gender, you can boost your intake in deliciously sneaky ways.

  1. Oranges: Fresh, tart, and filled with a big boost of vitamin C, oranges promote healthy living, but sometimes one a day doesn't happen. These DIY vitamin C gummies are your deceptively healthy solution. Made with fresh orange and lemon juice, the gummies are irresistible thanks a cute silicon mold. Keep these babies in a small sealed container in your purse and pop one after lunch every day. It's a sweet - but healthy! - way to end your meal.
Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Sarah Lipoff
  1. Greens: Dark, leafy greens offer tons of healthy goodness from being rich in fiber and containing wonderful, disease-fighting phytonutrients. Toss spinach or kale into your morning smoothie for a bright flavor; replace romaine with dark, leafy greens in salads; or add a handful of spinach leaves to your tomato sauce.
  2. Greek yogurt: We all know how important calcium is for our bones, but you could get tired of the same old yogurt and granola combination day after day. Kick things up a notch by including a Chobani Simply 100® in this chai vanilla smoothie that combines the good stuff like calcium, fiber, and protein without any artificial sweeteners, along with the calming benefits of chai. Streamline your morning smoothie process by making frozen smoothie packs. Grab one in the morning, toss in a blender, and go!
Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Sarah Lipoff
  1. Nuts: Swapping raw chopped nuts for croutons adds crunch, healthy proteins, and heart-heathy fats to your salads; it's a healthy swap that's a no-brainer, especially if you're cutting out gluten. Toss a handful of raw almonds in your morning smoothie for a protein boost or sprinkle over frozen yogurt as an after-dinner treat. Beat afternoon snack attacks and make your own trail mix, which is a great grab-and-go breakfast, too.
  2. Fiber: If you're looking to lose those last few pounds, adding more fiber to your diet is a must. You need 25 to 30 grams of the good stuff to keep you feeling full longer while keeping your digestive system happy, and there are so many delicious options. Chia seeds, raspberries, avocados, and pears are packed with fiber and can easily be snuck into desserts or your everyday eats. Make raspberry protein balls, whip up some chia seed pudding, or simply add avocado to your salad.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

lundi 29 juin 2015

5-Ingredient Healthy Breakfasts to Make Your Mornings Easier

There's nothing worse than getting excited about a recipe and seeing a laundry list of ingredients you don't have on hand - especially when it comes to breakfast! Keep breakfast simple with these sweet and savory breakfasts that all clock in at five ingredients or fewer. Some can be made the night before, others come together right before you're ready to eat, but they're all easy to make and totally delicious.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

As If Burpees Weren't Hard Enough, These Variations Will Work You Even More

Oh burpees. We HATE love you so, so much. To grow your love even more for the blessed basic burpee, here are some kick-butt variations to add to your routine to make you fall deeper than you ever could have imagined.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Don't Get Ticked Off! Easy Ways to Prevent Lyme Disease

If you're the outdoorsy type - and I don't mean sipping cocktails on your patio - chances are you've come in contact with a tick or two. Blacklegged ticks, also called deer ticks, are the ones to watch out for since they carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, which causes Lyme disease. Seventy to 80 percent of people will develop a rash that looks like a bull's-eye within three to 30 days of being bitten, and other symptoms include severe headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, neck stiffness due to meningitis, joint pain and swelling, and shooting pains. Antibiotics can cure most cases, but some patients will later develop complications, such as Bell's palsy (loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face) or other neurological complications, joint pain, or fatigue, when not treated in time.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Ericka McConnell

Any way you slice it, Lyme disease is not something you want to bring home from a hike or trail run. The best thing you can do is take some simple precautions to prevent those bugs from infecting you, and here's how.

  • Stick to the trail: Ticks hang out in moist, humid grassy areas, so you can decrease your exposure by hiking, running, or biking on the clear, dirt trail. Avoid tromping through high grass, piles of leaves, and bushes.
  • Sock it to me: Wearing pants is probably not an option when working out in the Summer heat, but you can keep your lower legs protected by wearing socks that cover your shins. It's not exactly the most attractive, but it definitely beats joint pain, dizziness, and a skin rash.
  • Go for the chemicals: I'm always a fan of using all-natural products, but when it comes to protecting yourself against ticks, when used properly, DEET is your best bet. Spray small amounts on your clothes, and choose products with low concentrations of DEET for your skin. As soon as you get home, strip down and hit the showers.

Image Source: Flickr user fairfaxcounty

  • Know your enemy: While in the shower, it's a good time to do a tick check. Look for a small dark-brown bug with eight legs, and check everywhere including your armpits, inside your belly button, and in your hair. If you discover an embedded tick, remove the tick using fine-tipped tweezers, grabbing the tick as close to its head as possible and washing the affected area of your skin with soap. You can also use a tick-removal tool. If it's removed within 24 hours, your chance of contracting Lyme disease is pretty small.

RELATED: Avril Lavigne Gets Emotional Talking About Her Experience With Lyme Disease

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Hot-Weather Running Gear That'll Have You Begging For Sun

Beating the heat when it's already baking outside can be hard, especially since you'll feel 20 degrees warmer than the actual temperature when you run! Investing in sweat-wicking and cooling performance gear is key to staying safe and feeling great during your Summer runs. These 10 cute picks do it right.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This Woman Did a Mud Run - and Went Blind in 1 Eye

When you sign a waiver form, are you really understanding all the risks? From our friends at Women's Health, see how Brittany Williams's mud run caused much more damage than she ever imagined. Both sad and terrifying, it is a reminder that not everything goes as planned - even if you think you know what you signed up for.

When you register for a race, you sign a waiver for a reason: with fitness achievements come risks. That's obviously more so the case for some races than others, though, and mud runs are definitely up there in the danger department.

We've reported on the perils of mud runs before-from fever and diarrhea to burns to paralysis. Now, unfortunately, another hazard has been added to the list: a young mom says that bacteria from a mud run left her blind in one eye.

RELATED: The Dangers of a Mud Run

Brittany Williams participated in a mud run in Texas with her fiancé earlier this month. Afterward, she started experiencing severe pain in her left eye, as well as vision loss, according to a GoFundMe page that has since been set up for her.

"My eye started hurting, like maybe I've got mud or some debris in there," she told CBS DFW. "When I opened my eye, it was just like white. The whole room was white."

RELATED: Turns Out Mud Runs Can Be Seriously Dangerous

According to her GoFundMe page, she learned from a visit to the emergency room that she had "several abrasions on her cornea and what looked like a chemical burn-that she had a very slim chance of ever seeing out of that eye again." She's since spent a week in the hospital and racked up $100,000 in medical bills, reports CBS DFW. (She has two jobs but opted out of health insurance.)

Watch Brittany further explain her injury-and see it for yourself-in CBS DFW's video below. Warning: it's pretty gruesome.

RELATED: Know This Before You Do a Mud Run

Still interested in giving a mud run a go? Make sure you know these facts and bring along these essentials first.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Truth About Swallowing Pool Water Will Gross You Out

When we swallow a little pool water while swimming, we usually brush it off without a second thought. Chlorine kills all germs immediately, right? Unfortunately, that's not the case, and the Center For Disease Control and Prevention reports that germ-filled pools are causing a large increase in recreational water illnesses (RWIs) "caused by germs spread by swallowing, breathing in mists or aerosols of, or having contact with contaminated water in swimming pools, hot tubs, water parks, water play areas, interactive fountains, lakes, rivers, or oceans."

Yes, chlorine does kill harmful germs that make us sick, but what many people don't know is that it takes a longer amount of time to eliminate certain bacteria growth. For instance, the CDC says the most common RWI is diarrhea, which is caused by a common parasite in pools called cryptosporidium ("crypto" for short). Even in properly disinfected pools, crypto can last for days! This water-related illness became so common that from "2004 to 2008, reported crypto cases increased over 200 percent." So, if you find yourself with an upset stomach this Summer, it might not actually be from an undercooked hamburger.

As if we weren't grossed out enough by the news that chlorine is not what makes our eyes red in the pool (it's urine!), now we're going to be extracautious in public areas like water parks and pools - especially in mysteriously warm areas.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Your Guide to Choosing the Best Lean Proteins

One of the best ways to see weight-loss success? Loading up your plate with protein. In fact, many trainers and nutritionists recommend at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast, which should be within 30 minutes of waking for the best weight-loss success. But not all protein is created equal; when searching for the best way to fuel up, you should always opt for the lean protein options. But what exactly qualifies as a lean protein?

According to the USDA, lean meats contain less than 10 grams of fat and 4.5 grams of saturated fat, as well as less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol, per 3.5-ounce serving. In general, beef cuts like roasts, top loin, top sirloin, and shoulder are the leanest cuts of beef, while cuts like pork loin, tenderloin, center loin, and ham are the leanest cuts of pork. When it comes to choosing poultry, opt for skinless breast meat or turkey cutlets for less-fatty options like thigh meat. For more on how to choose a lean cut of meat, read this list on the leanest cuts of red meat like bison, lamb, and veal.

Many types of seafood are also considered lean even though their fat content may be high. That's because seafood is a great source of unsaturated fats, the "healthy fats" that help keep your heart and brain healthy and fight belly fat as well. When choosing seafood, look for sustainable choices that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, trout, or herring.

Lean protein isn't just about choosing the right cut of meat, however. There are plenty of vegetarian sources that make a prime protein source, like beans, quinoa, tofu, and unsalted nuts. In fact, switching out your meat routine just once a week may help you be healthier by reducing your risk of diseases like cancer. Don't always equate protein with meat; there are many other foods that are sky-high in protein. Use this list of high-protein meats, dairy products, and plant-based foods to help you decide which protein is right for you; be sure to pay attention to the fat content as well.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

20 Healthy Habits That Lead to Big Results

You don't have to exercise every morning before dawn or stick to nothing but salads - these simple tips will ensure you'll be your healthiest, happiest, and most energetic yet. Even better? Being consistent with these small habit changes can lead to big results if you're looking to lose weight. Get ready to feel your best ever with these 20 simple ways to be your healthiest self yet.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How Trista Lost Over 60 Pounds and Became a Bodybuilder in the Process

Before Trista Elaschuk became a successful bodybuilding competitor, she endured years of diets that just didn't work. "I struggled with weight my entire life and went on my first diet at the age of 16," she told us. "This started the cycle of yo-yo dieting that would continue into my 20s." It wasn't until she was introduced to weight-lifting that she really saw results and changed her lifestyle for good. Read on for Trista's story, from how she lost the weight to what it really takes to be a professional female bodybuilder.

Trista: Before

POPSUGAR Fitness: What made you decide to start?
Trista Elaschuk: In 2006, shortly after I graduated from high school, I topped the scale at 195 pounds. I knew I had to made a change. I joined Weight Watchers and was able to take off 50 pounds. The problem was I wasn't committed to making a full lifestyle change. After six months, I stopped attending meetings and slowly fell back into old habits. Those old habits caused me to put the weight back on and before I knew it I was back up to 185 pounds.

At the age of 24 I realized I needed to make a change. I was unhappy and most importantly I was unhealthy. I didn't enjoy life to the fullest and I knew my weight was holding me back from reaching my full potential. I decided to join Weight Watchers again and commit to transforming my life. After losing 20 pounds I felt I needed to step it up a notch and join the gym. I started running on my treadmill but was extremely intimidated by the weight room. After about a month attending the gym regularly, I met my boyfriend, Kale, and he introduced me to bodybuilding. I was hooked.

Shortly thereafter we attended our first bodybuilding competition on a double date. I was so inspired and motivated by these women on stage and knew I had to be one of them. I decided to hire a coach and bust my butt in the gym! After a 23-week prep, I stepped on stage and placed 3/15 in the Southern Alberta Bodybuilding Championship. I was elated. This was what I was meant to do and I couldn't wait to step on stage again!

Trista: Before

PS: What's your favorite way to work out?
TE: I love strength training. Lifting heavy weights is so empowering and I love feeling the muscles contract and work. It doesn't get much better than that. Women should not be intimidated to lift heavy, it is such an empowering feeling and the results are extremely rewarding!

PS: What's your weekly exercise schedule?
TE: I wake up every morning at 4:30 a.m. and do 60 minutes of cardio on the stepper in my basement.
Monday - circuit training
Tuesday - leg training
Wednesday - back training
Thursday - shoulders
Friday - chest
Saturday - legs and arms

PS: How do you keep workouts exciting?
TE: I change up my workout routine every month. I go into the gym with a piece of paper for every day and stick to the schedule, even if I don't like training that specific muscle group, I always stick to the plan and never waver.

Trista: After

PS: How much weight have you lost?
TE: I have lost 65 pounds

PS: What was the first big difference, other than the number on the scale, that really made you feel proud and excited?
TE: Shopping!! I love shopping now, I am confident and can pick out any of the clothes on the rack. It is such a rewarding feeling knowing you don't have to hide behind big, oversize clothes anymore!

PS: How do you track your weight loss?
TE: I have weekly check-ins with my coach. She helps keep me accountable in the off season and while during prep. She takes my measurements and makes adjustments to my diet accordingly.

PS: What's a typical day of meals and snacks?
TE: Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 banana, 1 teaspoon vanilla, stevia to taste, cinnamon, cook on the stove top like oatmeal. When cooked add 1 tablespoon peanut butter, topped with Walden Farms chocolate syrup

Meal 2: 10 oz. plain fat-free Greek yogurt sweetened with stevia, 3/4 cup blueberries and 1/2 cup all bran, with 1 tablespoon hemp hearts

Meal 3: 4 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup green beans and 1 tablespoon olive oil

Meal 4: 4 oz. chicken breast with 4 oz. cooked yams and 1 tablespoon olive oil

Meal 5: 4 oz. chicken breast with 1 cup cooked peppers and 1 tablespoon olive oil

Meal 6: 7 oz. fat-free plain Greek yogurt mixed with 1/2 scoop chocolate casein protein powder

Trista: After

PS: What's the range of calories you eat per day?
TE: The meal plan I provided is a typical day in the off season. The calories range from 2,100-2,500

PS: What are the healthy staples that are always in your fridge?
TE: Plain fat-free Greek yogurt, egg whites, chicken breast, cucumbers, peppers, Walden Farms sugar-free, calorie-free syrups (they make everything taste better).

PS: How do you strategize for meals out?
TE: I always have a look at the menu online before heading to the restaurant. I decided what I'm going to order before we get there, so I'm not tempted by the other options on the menu.

PS: What advice do you have for anyone starting out on a weight-loss journey?
TE: Trust the process and don't expect it to happen overnight. The weight didn't come on in one day and it won't come off in one day. It takes time but it's worth it! One of my favorite quotes that helps push me through tough days is "Do something today that will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow."

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

dimanche 28 juin 2015

The Very Best Arm Workout For Beginners

If your gym routine is new to you, it's natural to feel hesitant about heading to the weight room. From weight loss to toning up, there are many reasons why weight training deserves to be a part of your life, but it can be a little nerve-racking if you're not sure where to start. Luckily, POPSUGAR Fitness host and personal trainer Anna Renderer has taken all that anxiety out of the equation with an easy-to-follow dumbbell circuit workout that's designed with the beginner in mind.

Anna says that doing two moves back to back is a great way to feel the burn, and this workout does just that. Perform the first move in the circuit 10 times to complete a set, then the second move 10 times to complete a set. Switch back and forth until you've completed three sets of each. Then, do the same for the second and third circuits.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

16 Easy Diet Tips That Really Work

Exercise plays an essential role in any weight-loss journey, but how you fuel your body is just as - if not more - important. If you're ready to embrace new lifestyle changes and even more ready to stop feeling like food is a constant struggle, here are the straightforward tips we live by that really work.

  1. Lose the mind-set that foods are off-limits: According to trainers Chris and Heidi Powell, "anytime you deprive yourself of food . . . all you want is what you can't have!" Take your mind-set away from sacrifice, and allow yourself everything in moderation.
  2. Keep it clean: Replace processed foods with clean (whole and natural) items. Not only are natural options more nutritious, you'll find that their flavors are more satisfying.
  3. Opt for whole grains: Refined and processed carbs weigh you down and muck up your progress. Fiber-rich whole grains keep hunger at bay, support healthy digestion, and are a crucial part of a long-term weight-loss success.
  4. Greek yogurt is your best friend: Instead of sour cream, dollop this protein-rich yogurt on your burrito bowl. Make it into a creamy pasta sauce that satisfies any Italian cravings. Honestly, is there anything this protein-rich dairy option can't sub for?
  5. Make your snacks smarter: Instead of a snack that includes just one food group, go for two - even three. The winning combination of protein, fiber, and carbs fuels workouts and keep you full.
  6. Eat (don't sip) your produce: According to Biggest Loser chef Cheryl Forberg, RD, when you eat a whole piece of fruit with all the fiber intact, your body will release blood sugar slowly, and you'll stay satisfied for longer. Enjoy the occasional fresh-pressed juice as a treat and learn to eat your produce!
  7. Eat carbs in the morning: Totally eliminating carbs from your life is not a long-term technique for success, but when you eat carbs earlier in the day, you have more time to burn them off, says trainer Bob Harper.
  8. Top your salad right: Croutons and preservative-laden dressings have got to go. Dress your favorite salad in a lighter homemade recipe instead, and pile on the veggies, protein, and produce. If you're craving crunch, add some nuts instead.
  9. Skip the fryer: Bake, steam, or sauté, but please don't fry! It packs on the calories and fat and can leave you in a serious food coma.
  10. More spice, less sauce: Sugar- and cream-based sauces cover up the natural flavors of the foods you're enjoying and add an extra layer of unnecessary calories. Go light and bright with a squeeze of citrus and experiment with fresh herbs.
  11. Seriously, say no to soda: The extra calories and chemicals that come from soda are just not worth it. If you love bubbles, sip sparkling water instead. In the beginning, it will be hard, but if soda is a part of your daily diet, this is 100 percent worth doing.
  12. Always add something green: When it comes to lunch and dinner, always add something green to your plate. Serve spinach with last night's leftovers or order a salad at your favorite takeout spot. It ups the nutrition of every meal, every time.
  13. Drink your coffee and tea without sugar: Instead of squeezing honey and adding packets of sugar into your morning beverage, keep your blood sugar level by skipping these unnecessary additions.
  14. Cook one serving: If portion control is a problem, cook single-size servings of your favorite foods. Simply divide your favorite recipes accordingly and skip out on temptation.
  15. A little bit of hunger isn't bad: According to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, "you should feel mild to moderate hunger three to four times a day at your scheduled mealtimes." When your hunger returns, it's a signal from your body that it's time to refuel!
  16. Leave space for smart indulgences: Plan ahead, and keep your diet extra clean leading up to your special indulgence. It will make the whole experience that much sweeter.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Press Play and Move! Sweat With a 4-Part Video Plan

If you're jonesing for a fresh workout, it's time to press play (well . . . four times) with a 40-minute workout; it's a compilation of some of our favorite 10-minute routines. Get ready to jump, skip, lift, dance, and punch your way through an awesome sweat session.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Is It OK to Eat an Avocado a Day?

From its creamy texture to its ability to fight belly fat, there is so much to love about the avocado. But can there be too much of a good thing - especially when it comes to calories? It's so easy to polish off a single avocado in one sitting. And while a single apple or banana counts as a serving of fruit, the avocado falls outside of this simple rule of thumb. Despite being high in good-for-you monounsaturated fats, which are considered a magic bullet in the battle against belly bulge and heart disease, fat is still fat even if it is the "good" kind.

For a 2000-calorie diet, the daily intake of fat, including MUFAs, is capped at 65 grams. A five-ounce, medium-size avocado (roughly one cup) contains 23 grams of fat - that's almost one third of your fat intake for a day - and roughly 250 calories. For comparison, a medium apple is just under 100 calories and is relatively fat free. I am sad to say, a serving size of avocado is not the entire piece of fruit, but one-fifth of it, which is only an ounce. That's about two to three slices.

Now, if you're accustomed to topping your salad with an entire avocado, fear not. Nutritionist Julie Upton says that habit is OK as long as you adjust your diet to account for those extra calories and use it to replace "low-quality carbs or other foods rich in saturated fats." She suggests skipping the croutons and topping your greens with avocado, or replacing the cheese on your turkey sandwich with avocado. She qualifies her statement by adding that "a half of an avocado per day is a more reasonable serving." Come clean and tell us, how much avocado do you usually eat?

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Tame Back Bulge With These 4 Moves

Yours might be more exposed when the weather is warm, but a strong, toned back is always in season. Spot-reducing fat doesn't work, but according to celebrity trainer Jennifer Cohen, working your back can make you look appear "10 to 15 pounds thinner" and, more importantly, fit and strong. Consistent fat-burning cardio is a must when it comes to fat loss, but adding the following upper- and lower-back exercises into your regular strength-training routine can make a huge difference. Put your back into it with these four effective moves!

Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Blake Smith

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Your Cheat Sheet to a Lower-Carb and Lower-Sugar Smoothie

Smoothies are a simple and easy way to load up on healthy ingredients in one tall glass, but the sky-high sugar content in many blends can make your jaw drop. For example, while delicious, one medium banana blended into your smoothie accounts for over 14 grams of sugar!

Yes, naturally occurring sugars, like those from fruit, are welcome in a balanced diet, but too much of anything isn't good - especially if you're concerned about elevated blood sugar levels or you're trying to cut back on carbs. The following charts break down some of the best low-sugar ingredient options to try out today. To go one step further, we've added five easy smoothie recipes at the bottom that keep sugar well under 10 grams per glass.


Calories Sugar (grams)
Kale (one cup) 33 0.0
Spinach (one cup) 7 0.1
Avocado (1/4 fruit) 103 0.3
Broccoli (one cup) 31 1.5
Cranberries (one cup) 51 4.4
Raspberries (one cup) 64 5.4
Blackberries (one cup) 62 7.0
Strawberries (one cup) 46 7.1

Liquid Base

Calories Sugar (grams)
Rice milk, unsweetened 45 0.0
Almond milk, unsweetened 40 1.0
Soy milk, unsweetened 60 1.0
Coconut milk, unsweetened 45 1.0


Calories Sugar (grams)
Rolled oats (1/4 cup) 75 0.5
Cannellini beans (1/4 cup) 60 0.5
Low-fat cottage cheese (one cup) 203 0.7
Almonds (1/4 cup) 107 0.8
Almond butter (one tablespoon) 90 1.0
Soft tofu (1/2 cup) 53 1.3
Walnuts (1/4 cup) 109 1.6


Calories Sugar (grams)
Cinnamon (one teaspoon) 6 0.0
Ginger (one teaspoon, chopped) 1 0.0
Raw cacao nibs (one tablespoon) 90 0.0
Ground flaxseed (one tablespoon) 37 0.1
Fresh lime (one tablespoon) 10 0.5
Chia seeds (one tablespoon) 67 0.5
Spirulina powder (one serving) 81 1.0

Easy Recipe Combos

  • One cup kale, 1/4 avocado, one cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 cup rolled oats, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 cup crushed ice = 239 calories, 0.9 grams of sugar, 7.6 grams of protein
  • One cup spinach, 1/4 avocado, one cup unsweetened almond milk, one tablespoon nut butter, one tablespoon cacao nibs, 1/2 cup crushed ice = 381 calories, 1.4 grams of sugar, 10.2 grams of protein
  • One cup spinach, one cup raspberries, one cup unsweetened rice milk, one cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup crushed ice = 316 calories, 6.3 grams of sugar, 34 grams of protein
  • One cup raspberries, 1/4 avocado, one cup unsweetened coconut milk, one teaspoon ginger, one tablespoon lime juice, 1/2 cup crushed ice = 225 calories, 6.9 grams of sugar, 3.5 grams of protein
  • One cup kale, one cup strawberries, one cup unsweetened soy milk, 1/8 cup almonds, one serving spirulina = 228 calories, 8.6 grams of sugar, 12.5 grams of protein

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

4 Protein-Packed Dinners For a Postwork Gym Session

A strenuous postwork gym session is sometimes a must when trying to fit a workout into a 9-to-5 schedule. One of the biggest problems? Arriving home late and having to figure out what's for dinner. Instead of grabbing whatever is in sight or ordering takeout on the way home, a little planning - and a lot of protein - will go a long way.

Bean Burger

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar
A riff on a traditional veggie burger, this bean-and-grain-based spicy chickpea, barley, and quinoa burger offers over 16 grams of protein. This recipe is easy to prepare; just make sure you have all these grains cooked in advance.

Vegetarian Chili

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Michele Foley
You won't miss the meat in this recipe for smoky tofu chili with black beans. Prep a big pot of this stew a day in advance and enjoy a heaping helping after an intense workout.

Baked Eggs in Avocado

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Lizzie Fuhr
Enjoy breakfast for dinner with a baked egg in avocado that offers more than 15 grams of protein per serving. Top off your avocado with leftover fresh herbs or a little hot sauce for an extra kick.

Roasted Salmon

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Lizzie Fuhr
This one-sheet salmon supper is an ideal meal to enjoy after a tough strength-training session. From prep to plate, it comes together in 15 minutes, and it offers 47 grams of lean protein.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

I Started Saying "No" and Began Losing Weight

Saying "no" has never been my forte. I'm a social creature and a "yes" person. Long before FOMO permeated the pop culture landscape, I hated passing up any enticing invitation for a night out - the phrase "I'll sleep when I'm dead" comes to mind when I think about my first years in San Francisco.

Eventually, I woke up and found myself with a complete lack of energy, a totally shot immune system, and a body I barely recognized. The irony of it all was I was coming up on my one-year anniversary of writing for POPSUGAR Fitness. I was sitting at my desk writing all day and going out (almost) every night from work. I was left with exactly zero time to dedicate to my physical fitness or general wellness. Somewhere in my mind I had worked out this deal: since I was writing about health all day long, I was obviously being healthy. Then, I saw one Instagram proving that this was not the case. Seeing this photographic proof was the push I needed to recommit to a consistent routine, but seeing results was much tougher than I had anticipated. And it wasn't because I wasn't making time to work out; it's because I had to start saying "no" to people I love.

No, I can't eat nachos tonight. No, I can't go to your show at 11 p.m. on Wednesday; I have SoulCycle at 7 a.m. (and then, I work all day). No, I can't stop by the bar, because I don't want to be coaxed into drinking a bunch of Manhattans and wake up hungover and hating life. No, I need to leave early, so I can prep meals for the week and clean my house. No, I am not interested in your cupcake. Well . . . I am interested in your cupcake, but no, no thank you.

If you're new to this whole healthy-living gig, heed my advice, and consider this a warning. There are people you love and love spending time with who will do everything in their power to get in your way. They'll tell you they miss seeing you, ask you to skip a Sunday morning class so you can meet them for brunch, and say everyone keeps asking where you've been hiding. Even after explaining that "no" has become more rampant in my vocabulary because of my health, I still felt like I was letting friends down. Guilt plagued me for some time, but once I started reaping the benefits of all my hard work, the response became easier and more natural. And honestly? It feels really good to put my foot down, take the reins, and do what's best for me.

Don't get me wrong: making time for fun is absolutely essential to live a balanced life, and trust me, I have plenty of fun. But I realized that if I was serious about changing my body and changing my life, it was only going to work if I set healthy boundaries that were on my terms. Sure, there are still weeks I spread myself too thin and nights I stay out way too late, but the vast majority of my time is dedicated to living a healthier, more balanced life - and I've got the results to prove it.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:Jared Leto in National Parks Makes For the Most Gorgeous Photos You'll See Today

It's official: we want to take our next camping trip with Jared Leto. The actor has been on a nature tour of sorts, sharing photos from national parks like Yosemite and Yellowstone, where he's been hiking, rock climbing, and just generally embracing outdoor life. It's hard to imagine Half Dome looking more awe-inspiring than it already does, but put Jared in front of it, and its national-treasure status somehow increases tenfold. Add a nature quote next to it all, and the beauty is enough to crush you.healthiness
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:The Best Beginner Workout - No Equipment Needed

Strength training is key to living a fit life, and we are here to help you master the fundamentals. This is a 15-minute workout we designed for beginners, but anyone will benefit from this full-body sweat session. We will teach you the moves and the modifications you need to build strength and great form. Best of all, you don't need any fancy equipment for this workout, just a sturdy chair. Press play, and let's get started!.healthiness
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:The 75 Healthy Dinners You Need in Your Recipe Arsenal

If you're in the market for some new healthy dinner recipes, you've come to the right place. Whether you're vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or even Paleo, there are a number of delicious dishes in this long list of 75 that will satisfy your dietary preferences and your palate. Don't stay stuck in that healthy dinner rut one more night; start scrolling, and get cooking! healthiness
- Additional reporting by Leta Shy and Jenny Sugar

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:Rock Climbing in Yosemite Is More Insane Than We Could Have Ever Imagined

If you have never rock climbed before, Google's new street view of Yosemite's iconic El Capitan will either motivate or scar you for life. At 3,000 feet, the sheer granite face is considered one of the world's hardest to climb, reserved for experienced rock climbers. To give everyone else a taste of what it's like to scale the wall, Google Maps created its first-ever interactive vertical street view, working with Yosemite National Park Service to map out "the Nose," the most famous climb along El Cap.healthiness
The unique feature allows anyone to virtually climb the monolith, starting from the base with three legendary climbers - Lynn Hill (the first person to ever free climb the Nose), Alex Honnold (who, along with climber Hans Florine, holds the speed record for climbing the Nose), and Tommy Caldwell (who made history this year by completing the most difficult ascent on the wall - if not the world). "El Cap is an intimidating environment for experimentation, but years of setting ropes proved pretty helpful in figuring out how to get the equipment rigged and ready to collect Street View," Tommy said. The end result of this street view is pretty spectacular. Soak in the 360-degree views from El Capitan as you make your way up the wall. No gear or experience necessary.healthiness nutritions
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

samedi 27 juin 2015

Healthiness:Hilarious GIFs Showing Exactly Why You're Not Losing Weight

Cheating on your diet every once in a while is no biggie - just brush off the cookie crumbs and get back on that healthy wagon! Sometimes, we think we know what's right for us when it comes to eating right and exercising. Well, we have the best intentions, but our thinking is all wrong. If any of these hilarious GIFs sound all too familiar, then it may be time to adopt some new weight-loss techniques like these.healthiness

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Healthiness:50+ Healthy Dinners, All Under 500 Calories

No matter when you eat your biggest meal of the day, your calories should still work for you. These meals are jam-packed with nutrients - from energy-sustaining protein to disease-fighting antioxidants - while still ensuring you keep calorie counts low. Each of these comforting and filling meals is well under 500 calories, meaning you'll be full and satisfied afterward without sacrificing weight-loss goals. Check out the recipes below!healthiness
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- Additional reporting by Michele Foley, Lizzie Fuhr, and Jenny Sugar

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Healthiness:10 Do-Anywhere Exercises to Burn 200 Calories in Under 3 Minutes

If you find it hard to lose weight with your busy schedule, the news keeps getting better. First, just 20 minutes of exercise was proven to help increase your metabolism. Now, a study has found that working out intensely for just 2.5 minutes can spur calorie burn throughout the day - an extra 200 calories' worth.healthiness
In the latest study, five healthy men performed sprint interval training on a stationary bicycle (five 30-second intense intervals with four minutes of easy cycling in between). Although the men were sedentary the rest of the day, they ended up burning 200 more calories during the days they did the short bout of exercise than the days they didn't exercise at all.
Even though this was a small study, the encouraging results are reason enough to add intense intervals into your workout routine. It's also good news for those of you who can never seem to fit a full workout into your day. Below are ideas on intense exercises you can do anywhere for 2.5 minutes so you too can reap the afterburn benefits. Perform these at maximum intensity; you can break them into 30-second or one-minute intervals to make it more manageable. Stick with one, or choose five to do for 30 seconds each!
  1. Jumping jacks. These do-anywhere moves pump up your heart rate in no time.
  2. Mountain climbers. This cardio move helps strengthen legs and core muscles as well. Learn how to do mountain climbers here.
  3. Burpees. Swiftly moving from standing to squatting to push-up position challenges all your muscles. Not sure how to do this classic move? Get instructions on how to do a burpee here.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
  1. Running up stairs. Run up and down the stairs at home or at your office - you'll get the added bonus of a toned backside.
  2. Walking lunges. These lunges help you develop balance while strengthening your core and lower body. Do these briskly, but make sure your form stays correct to prevent knee or ankle strain. Here's how to do a perfect walking lunge.
  3. High knees: Run in place while engaging your core and pumping your arms. The goal should be to keep your knees high and maintain an upright posture as you do your speed bursts.
  4. Frogger: This plank-to-squat move seems simple, but you'll feel it as you do your 30-second bursts. Begin in a plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat and keeping your hands on the floor, then jump back to plank. Repeat in a quick succession (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
  1. Lateral hops: Make small jumps side to side as if you are jumping over an invisible line (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
  1. Jump squat: Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
  1. Box step: Find a step, stool, or box (or aim toes at an imaginary step) and lightly tap your left toes to the box, then jump to switch feet, bringing the right toes up (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
Don't stop at just 2.5 minutes, though. Besides upping your total calorie burn, longer exercise helps you stay healthy and prevent disease. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week; here are five ways to make sure you hit that number.
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:When Your WOD Doesn't Go as Planned

If you've ever done a WOD (Workout of the Day), these #CrossFitFails may be all too familiar. Beware: they might make you never want to take a CrossFit class again - or ever!healthiness
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:Add These to Your Salad to Lose Weight Faster

Increasing your veggie intake by chowing on a huge salad is one of the best ways to cut down on calories and drop pounds, but not all salad toppings are created equal. Choose the wrong ones, and your healthy salad quickly turns into a calorie bomb. For those trying to slim down, add these to your bowl of greens.healthiness
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Healthiness:Experts Share the Perfect Snack For Maximum Weight Loss

It's not just for preschoolers! Snack time is important for adults, too, because it can satiate hunger between meals to prevent overeating and help you lose weight. Snacks can also be a way to get valuable nutrients you're missing from meals alone. But not all snacks are good ones. We've enlisted the expertise of two nutritionists - Stephanie Clarke, RD, and Willow Jarosh, RD, of C&J Nutrition - to share the perfect equation for how to choose a delicious and filling snack that will help you reach your weight-loss goals. Follow their advice below to start seeing results.healthiness


Aim for two 150-calorie snacks each day. Think of them as ways to fill nutrition holes in your diet, such as getting your fill of fiber or a boost of calcium.


Anywhere from 40 to 50 percent of your calories at snack time should come from carbs, which works out to 14 to 20 grams. Choose high-fiber carbs such as fruit, whole grains, and starchy veggies like peas, corn, sweet potato, pumpkin, and Winter squash. Carbohydrates that are naturally high in fiber tend to be less refined and processed and also typically yield a larger portion size for fewer calories, making them more satisfying.


Go for six to 10 grams of protein, which is 15 to 20 percent of your total snack calories. Protein is essential in order to make what you nosh on feel more satisfying. Protein also helps to even out the rate that carbohydrates enter your bloodstream, so if you eat a snack that's low in protein, a spike in your blood sugar levels could result in stronger cravings and the need to munch on more.


Far should constitute 30 to 40 percent of your snack's calories, which works out to between six and 10 grams. Including healthy fats also adds to the "I feel satisfied" feeling. The one thing to watch out for is portion size, since fats like nuts, seeds, and avocado tend to be high in calories.


Getting enough fiber in your snack - at least three grams - is a must to not only help you feel satiated for longer, but to also help you reach your daily goal of 25 grams. Getting your fill of fiber will ensure you stay regular, which can help you avoid that bloated feeling, making you feel more energetic. It can also help maintain stable blood sugar levels, which keeps cravings at bay.


Aim for no more than 10 grams of total sugar and no more than four grams of added sugar (one teaspoon of honey, sugar, or maple syrup).


Most people like to include their two 150-calorie snacks between their three main meals, so one in the late morning and one in the late afternoon. A good rule of thumb is to eat every couple of hours, so find the schedule that works for you. Maybe you eat a later lunch and an earlier dinner so an afternoon snack isn't necessary but a bedtime snack is. Remember that experiencing a little hunger is OK, but snacking can prevent that famished feeling that makes people overeat. And eating late at night won't cause weight gain, but overdoing it on your daily calorie intake will. If you know you like to eat a little something before bed, make sure you save 150 calories in order to stick to your daily limit.

Eating and Working Out

If you're grabbing a pre-workout snack, aim for a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein. After a workout, go for a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. A banana with some nut butter or a small smoothie is a great option. For workouts that are an hour or shorter, don't stress too much about getting the exact amount. As long as your snack includes a combo of carbs, protein, and healthy fats, and is under 150 calories, you're good! Generally it's good to enjoy a pre-workout snack 30 to 90 minutes before a workout, but eating beforehand isn't a necessity. Some people prefer working out on an empty stomach, so do what's right for you. Then refuel with a post-workout snack within 30 to 60 minutes.

A Few Examples of Snacks

The above info would make an ideal snack, but if you can't meet all the requirements, it's OK to fall short of one of these - fats, carbs, fiber, or protein - just make sure your snack meets the other three.
  • Avocado Toast: Take half a slice of whole wheat bread, smear with one tablespoon avocado, and top with sliced or mashed hard-boiled egg, two slices of tomato, and an eighth-teaspoon sprinkling of chia seeds. Calories: 156
    Total fat: 8.2 g
    Saturated fat: 2.2 g
    Carbs: 13.6 g
    Fiber: 4.3 g
    Sugars: 2.7 g
    Protein: 9.3 g
  • Greek Yogurt With Apple and Walnuts: Enjoy a quarter-cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt with half an apple, four teaspoons chopped walnuts, half a teaspoon raisins, and a dash of cinnamon. Calories: 149
    Total fat: 6.2 g
    Saturated fat: 0.4 g
    Carbs: 17.3 g
    Fiber: 3.1 g
    Sugars: 12.7 g
    Protein: 8.3 g
  • Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar
  • High-Protein Banana and Peanut Butter: Mix half a tablespoon of peanut butter with half an ounce of protein powder and half an ounce of water. Cut half a banana in half lengthwise. Smear the peanut butter mixture on half and then top with the other half of the banana. Calories: 158
    Total fat: 4 g
    Saturated fat: 0.8 g
    Carbs: 17.4 g
    Fiber: 4.1 g
    Sugars: 7.8 g
    Protein: 13.6
  • Roasted Edamame: Toss two cups frozen edamame with two teaspoons olive oil, one teaspoon sea salt, and one tablespoon black sesame seeds. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 450° F. Enjoy a quarter of the batch, and save the rest for later. Calories: 153
    Total fat: 8.3 g
    Saturated fat: 1.1 g
    Carbs: 10.5 g
    Fiber: 4 g
    Sugars: 8.3 g
    Protein: 4 g

Snack Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not enough variety: While a cheese stick seems like a healthy snack, it's only offering you protein, so you'll soon feel hungry afterward. To feel satiated, make sure your snack has at least two of these - carbohydrate, protein, and fat - or, better yet, aim for all three.
  • Skipping: If you head into lunch and dinner completely starving, you know all too well how easy it is to eat way more calories than normal. Snacking between meals controls hunger, which controls cravings and can help you consume fewer daily calories.
  • Not counting calories: A snack is just that - a snack. It's not a minimeal, so stick to that 150-calorie amount. Be mindful that prepackaged snacks like granola bars, protein bars, smoothies, or bags of crackers can offer almost 200 calories or more. On the same token, mindlessly reaching into a bag can result in devouring more than one portion without you even realizing it. So measure out your portion and put the bag away!
Looking to drop pounds during other times of the day? Here's what to eat for breakfast and lunch, and dinner to lose weight.
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:Print It, Do It: 30-Day Squat Challenge

Give your backside some attention and try our four-week squat challenge! Learn the specifics on each style of squat included in this circuit, then put your knowledge to practice with this plan. You can also download and print the PDF version of the challenge, too. Be sure to hang it on your fridge to inspire you to work it!healthiness
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

healthiness:I Went Paleo and Now I Hate Everything

Dieting in general can be tough, not to mention going fully Paleo and cutting out carbs, dairy, and gluten altogether. Blogger Geraldine DeRuiter of The Everywhereist describes her experience going Paleo and why this nutritional approach didn't exactly work out for her.healthiness
Recently, I went pseudo Paleo.
I say pseudo, because, like most things in my life, I've jumped in headfirst without putting any thought or research into it (this is also how I ended up taking a workout class called "Insanity." Afterward, I was drooling and delirious. So I guess it delivered).
This is supposed to be a cookie.
So, despite being totally unclear on what Paleo entailed, I figured I would try it because the hot guy from the gym told me I ate too many carbs.
Parenthetically, I really should stop listening to people just because they're attractive. If Jeff Goldblum told me to get a bowl haircut and rob a bank, I totally would.
As far as I can tell, Paleo is based off of the premise that humanoids were never sexier or healthier than when they were cavemen. Even though they had no birth control or penicillin or dental floss, and everyone was probably covered in lice, they were supercut and sexy, and that's a lifestyle to which we should aspire. Behold:

The Paleo diet demands that you only eat what cavemen did, which means that you need to chew raw woolly-mammoth meat for hours with a mouth full of rotting teeth and wash it down with a nice refreshing gourdful of mud.
I KID! I kid. Apparently with Paleo, you need to eat a lot of protein, in the form of meat, seafood, and eggs. Plus a ton of veggies. A crazy quantity. Like, "the neighbors will start asking if you are in trouble with the local CSA-mob" number of veggies. "You might be having an affair with the guy from the farmers market" quantity of veggies.
This has curious side effects, especially gastrointestinally. Without going into too much detail, some days are . . . biologically slower than others. And some days . . . on some days, things flow way too quickly. Like, I'm basically a human Play-Doh press.

Paleo also requires you to give up processed food, refined sugars, and alcohol, which makes sense because those things are wonderful. But you're also supposed to avoid grains, starches, and natural sweeteners (like honey), and you are supposed to limit your fruit intake. It's sort of like the Inquisition, but less fun.
In some respects, it's worked: being Paleo has killed my will to live, so I'm too sad to snack. My abs look pretty damn good, but I suspect that's from all the nights I spend wracked with sobs because I can't eat anything fun. I would take a selfie to show you, but this isn't Facebook and I'm not your misguided teenage niece.
To give you an idea of the waking nightmare that is my life, I'd like to walk you through today's Paleo abomination, in which I endeavored to make something called "carrot cake cookies" - a name which is at best a misnomer, and at worst a cruel mockery. The recipe describes them as "savory cookies," which is something that, if your blood sugar is low enough, you can almost pretend is a real thing.
But it's not. Savory cookies do not exist. There are real, honest-to-god cookies, which are filled with sugar and flour and all sorts of wonderful things that some random hot guy said I can't eat. And then there are crumbly pucks of carrot and nut that are held together by the indelible resilience of failure and good intentions. I ate three in a matter of seconds. And you know what? They weren't bad . . . though they were seasoned by a bit of forbidden honey and the salt of my own tears.
Carrot Cake Cookies (aka, Pucks of Suffering)
  • Carrots
  • The salt of your own tears
  • Nuts or something
  • Ennui
  • You know what? It doesn't matter what I list here. You should not make these.
If you want to go Paleo, you'll probably need a food processor, which doesn't really make sense, because cavemen didn't even have pants, so they obviously didn't have food processors or ovens or organic coconut oil. Take your ingredients (none of which are even remotely cookie-like), and grind them in the food processor until they resemble cat vomit.
(This is the first and only time in my life I didn't want to eat the cookie dough.) Take the mushy chunks and form them into little patties of sadness.
Bake them in the oven for 30 minutes at 350°F, or just toss them directly into the trash because life is meaningless.
I have no words to describe these unholy abominations.
Remember when we cared about things? Remember when our great aunt sat us on the counter of her kitchen in Rome and we watched her fold tortellini by hand, which she made just for us? And how she smiled as we sat there, staring intently at her hands?
Remember that little girl? Who spoke Italian effortlessly and ate carbs with abandon? What would she think of all this?
"We forgot the taste of bread, the sound of trees, the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name."
The cookies look exactly the same before they are digested as after. They are eternal and unchanging. As time passes, they don't decline in quality or taste because they can't. They've already started out at theoretical zero on that scale.
I weep as I take a bite. These cookies will outlive me unless I destroy them.
Seriously, what the hell have you become? You traded your soul for nice abs.
Tomorrow, I am getting a slice of cake from the French bakery down the street and eating the entire thing. Then I will eat a plate of pasta and think of people I loved who are no longer with me. Tomorrow, I will do this. And the cookies will be waiting, watching.
F*cking Paleo.
PS You don't want the actual cookie recipe. You don't. But here it is.
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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Printable 20-Minute Plank Workout For the Flat Abs You've Always Wanted

Plank is one of the most effective exercises to target your core and upper body. Here's a 20-minute circuit workout combining six different dynamic variations of the basic plank - remember to stretch your back and arms for a couple of minutes after you've completed all those planks.

Here are details on each move:

Plank Mountain Climbers: From straight-arm plank position, draw your right knee into your chest, then quickly switch legs so your left knee is squeezing into the chest and your left foot is in plank position. Continue running in place like this for one minute.

Elbow Plank With Donkey Kick: Begin in elbow plank position. Bend your right knee and pulse your heel up toward the ceiling for 30 seconds, and then switch legs.

Plank Jumping Jacks: In the classic straight-arm plank position, jump your feet apart and back together. Complete for one minute.

Up-Down Plank: Start in straight-arm plank. Lower your right elbow to the ground and then the left, coming ever so briefly into an elbow plank. Then straighten your right arm and then the left, returning to straight-arm plank position. Repeat for one minute.

Side Plank Leg Lift: Rest on your right forearm and the outside edge of your right foot. Lift and lower your left leg for 30 seconds, and then do another half minute of leg lifts on the left side.

Two-Point Plank: Begin in straight-arm plank, and extend the right arm and left leg. Draw your knee and elbow together under your body, and then extend. Do for 30 seconds on each side.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Let These Celebrities Inspire Your Next Workout Session

Some days it's easy, but other times, keeping up with your healthy lifestyle can feel like a serious struggle - and we'll take whatever healthy inspiration we can get! If you're in need of a push out the door and into the gym, check out the awesome Instagram action that some of our favorite healthy celebrities recently shared. From Hilary Duff showing off her amazing gymnastics skills to Jennifer Lopez laughing during her workout with David Kirsch, these snaps will motivate you to exercise and stay healthy in a fresh, fun way this weekend.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Want to Become More Flexible? Do This Yoga Sequence

Don't take your aching, tight back lying down! Fight back with the gentle yet effective power of yoga. Relief could be as simple as increasing flexibility in your spine, and this yoga sequence will help to stretch and elongate the muscles in the torso. Becoming more bendy not only eases pain, but it also improves your posture, making your tummy look trimmer. Complete these 14 poses once on the right side and then on the left.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The 300-Calorie-Burning Walking-Jogging Workout

If you're just starting a workout routine, doing gazelle-being-chased-by-a-lion sprinting intervals will be just as painful as they sound. Ease into it by doing a brisk walking workout that includes short and slow jogging intervals. This lower-impact workout is not only great if you're a beginner, but those expecting or getting over an injury - or even runners who want to take it easy one day a week - will also love this plan.

This 60-minute workout alternates between walking briskly and jogging slowly, and you'll burn just over 300 calories.

Time Speed

Total calories burned: 306

Calculations are based on a 130-pound woman
*RPE = Rate of Perceived Exertion

Click here for a photo-free printable version of this workout to take to the gym. If this workout is too easy or too hard, just adjust the speed to fit your level. If you prefer running outside, then use the RPE column to determine how fast you should be going.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Victoria's Secret Model Workout: 20-Minute Torch and Tone

This 20-minute body-sculpting workout helps get Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio runway ready. Created by Alessandra's trainer Heather Dorak, founder of Pilates Platinum, the workout is loaded with moves to work multiple body parts at once, making it efficient for toning your whole body and great for torching calories. Press play, and get ready to work out like an Angel.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Naturally Sweet Summer Recipes Featuring Fresh Fruit

Take advantage of the fresh fruit overflowing at your local farmers markets and grocery stores by making these recipes featuring fresh fruit. There's more than just desserts and smoothies; we have a fruit-inspired recipe for every time of the day - even dinner! Browse through the more than 60 recipes, or use the directory below.

Salads and Soups

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

18 Team USA Pictures That Will Get You Excited to Watch the Women's World Cup

The US Women's National Team includes veterans and newbies alike, but if there's one thing the 23 women have in common, it's that they know how to work hard - and play hard. We love seeing them on the field, but we're also loving the behind-the-scenes Instagrams of their journey to and through Canada.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

vendredi 26 juin 2015

No More Red 40! General Mills Gets Rid of Artificial Coloring From Cereals

Soon, your favorite breakfast cereals from when you were a kid will be getting a very grown-up makeover; General Mills announced today that by 2017, all of its cereals will no longer contain artificial flavors and colors.

The breakfast brand has already removed artificial ingredients from over 60 percent of its cereals, so the latest announcement will affect the rest of its offerings. First up - the rainbow-colored Trix, which will soon contain fruit and vegetable juices as well as spice extracts like tumeric and annatto seeds to create the cereal's signature bright red, yellow, orange, and purple puffs (currently, the ingredients list includes very unnatural-sounding ingredients like Red 40, Yellow 6, and Blue 1). Reese's Puffs cereals will also be the next product to get a revamp; the company says it'll use real peanut butter and cocoa as well as natural vanilla flavoring in its new recipe.

Lately, many companies have responded to growing consumer demand for fewer artificial ingredients in their food. Panera Bread announced in May that it is removing over 150 artificial ingredients from its foods, and Taco Bell and Pizza Hut also announced a similar recipe revamp weeks later. Even Kraft Macaroni and Cheese will be getting a makeover, with turmeric and paprika spices replacing artificial ingredients to make its signature orange hue. While you should still be a vigilant ingredient-list reader to ensure you know what's in your food, this new trend away from using artificial ingredients may help you eat a little easier.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Only Inspiration You Need For Your Next Workout

Every day we bring a different brain and body to our workouts. Some days we're pumped up and ready to rock it, but others days heading to the gym is a bigger struggle. Recently, I've been following US women's soccer star Sydney Leroux's advice and thinking about how awesome I'll feel after my workout, covered in sweat and amped up with endorphins. The following GIFs are an animated taste of the feeling you get when you leave a tough workout. If you're thinking about skipping your sweat session, scroll through these and you'll be lacing up your sneakers in no time.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Broke Girl's Guide to Exercising

When you're on a budget you have to get creative with your spending habits, and signing up for a pricey gym or class membership is definitely not on your list of splurges. For those who still want to exercise, however, there are inexpensive ways to try that new cycling class you've been obsessing over or that CrossFit workout everyone's talking about. And yes, you can definitely work toward that Beyoncé body without spending an insane amount of money on a personal trainer. Read on to see all the creative ways you can stay fit while maintaining the budget you have set for yourself.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Greens That Are Better For You Than Kale

You might want to redefine your relationship with kale. Check out this infographic from dietitian Julie Upton, MS, RD, of Appetite for Health, to learn 10 greens more nutritious than kale.

Learn more about CDC's list of powerhouse foods and nutrient density.

Get more information about a healthy diet and sound nutrition from Appetite for Health.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

10 Celebrity Trainer Tips For Last-Minute Bikini Prep

Only have a week or two before you don a bikini and want to look your best? We asked a few top celebrity trainers to spill all the last-minute weight-loss advice they give their clients when they are prepping for a red carpet event or photo shoot. While we won't say it's not hard work, the good news is there aren't any gimmicks or starvation schemes. Even better news? You'll feel strong, confident, and ready to wow in just a few days. Check out the last-minute weight-loss secrets here!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

No Gym, No Problem! This Circuit Workout Uses Just Your Body

Not only is an at-home workout excuse-proof, since it's free, it will only cost you calories! Check out this full-body circuit workout that fits in your living room. It takes about 20 minutes to do, and other than a chair, it requires no props.

Instructions: After warming up with light cardio for five minutes, repeat each three-exercise circuit twice, resting for 60 seconds after completing one rep of an entire circuit.

Click here to download a PDF of the workout that you can print. It looks best printed in color and fits on one page. Hang the workout up on your fridge to remind yourself to work it.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Let People Know You're Serious About Losing Weight

So many people make small talk about wanting to lose a few pounds, so your family, friends, and co-workers might not realize that you mean business when it comes to losing weight. Setting off on a weight-loss journey can be intense and personal, but it's still important to develop a strong support system that builds you up! Here's how to explain your situation, take the reins, and start seeing results.

  1. Be up-front: When you start making healthier choices or begin to say no to big meals out or in-office treats, you might assume the people closest to you will realize you're trying to make a change. They might not! You don't need to carry a banner or blast your email threads letting everyone know, but it's great to give a few people a heads-up so they can be cognizant of your goals and offer support where they can.
  2. Ask for help: Holding yourself accountable is the only way you'll find sustainable success - no one can be your keeper but you - but there's no shame in asking for help when you need it. Talk to the health-conscious people in your life for advice, tips, and tricks that keep them in check. And if you're new to a workout routine, reach out to your friends and co-workers about their favorite gyms and studios in your area. Any insider information should be welcome as you set off on your path.
  3. Learn to say no: This was the biggest one for me to practice when I started losing weight. I've always been a "yes" person, so passing up fun and exciting invitations in place of a sweat session at the gym or an afternoon of prepping healthy lunches for the week was a bit of a struggle at first. You need to get comfortable saying no if you want to see and feel results.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness