samedi 16 avril 2016

11 Preventative Antiaging Treatments For Women in Their 20s

I was looking intently at my computer screen the other day when I saw something that made me jump: my reflection, squinting at the screen, with my forehead deeply furrowed. Though I take good care of my skin by wearing SPF and doing all those things you're supposed to do, in that moment, I realized that I could either stop making facial expressions or start investing in some preventative antiaging products.

I'm not the type of person to subscribe to a slew of intense retinol-packed creams and serums - given that I am still in my early 20s - but I do think there are a few things you can do to maintain your youthful appearance and delay the inevitable (aging). One of them is by comitting yourself to preventative moisturizing, the practice of combatting fine lines with a moisture-rich skin care regimen instead of Botox and the like.

Here, I've rounded up some of the most hydrating, tone-improving, and line-reducing treatments and serums out there for women in their 20s who'd like to get a head start on antiaging.

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